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FORMIND - Introduction

FORMIND is an individual-based, spatially explicit and process-based model designed for simulating species-rich vegetation communities (Fischer et al. 2016).

In FORMIND, vegetation is simulated on an area of size Aarea, which is a composite of regularly ordered, quadratic patches of size Apatch[m2] described by their location within the area (figure below). Individual trees grow within the patches, but do not have spatially explicit positions within a patch (the gap model approach).

Patches <dic id="Patches">
Figure: Illustration of the simulated area and its composition of regularly ordered patches. Individual trees do not have spatially explicit positions within the patches. Only for an illustrative purpose, we show positioned trees on an exemplary patch.

The trees change their sizes during the simulation according to a set of ecophysiological and morphological parameters used within the modelled processes. The modelled processes are simulated on different levels: (i) area-level, (ii) patch-level or (iii) single-tree level.

The individual model components are described in the following subpages:

  • Geometry: trees are described via several geometric relationships. Tree types (in some projects we use the concept of plant functional types and in others real species) can differ in their parameter sets of these relationships.

Within each time step Δt (e.g. one year), the following main processes considered:

  • Recruitment and establishment: Establishment of recruited seeds is modelled on the patch level, whereby the distribution of seeds is simulated on the area level.

  • Mortality: First, an event-driven mortality due to crowding can take place on the patch level. Afterwards, mortality rates affects each trees (e.g. base mortality). Finally, every dying tree may fall and damage other trees.

  • Environment: The patches of the simulation area are homogeneous regarding climatic input variables. Based on these input parameters, the environment of the trees is specified. For example, the radiation above canopy and day length are equal for all patches. The vertical attenuation of the incoming radiation (i.e. light climate) is calculated for each patch based on the vegetation state, so that light intensity at different heights can differ between patches dependent on the number of trees shading each other. Reduced light availability results in reduced gross photosynthesis of a tree. Limited soil water resources can also reduce the gross photosynthesis of an individual. In the same manner as the light climate, soil water contents can differ between patches during the simulation, although the initial soil water content and other soil properties (e.g. soil porosity) are equal for all patches. Differences in soil water content between patches are dependent on the number of trees per patch, which take up soil water resources. Further, type-specific effects of the air temperature can also limit gross photosynthesis and affect respiration of an individual.

  • Growth: growth of a single tree is determined by its gross productivity, respiration and type-specific morphological parameters. Respiration is calculated on the level of an individual. An increase in biomass per tree is modelled as the difference between gross photosynthesis and respiration. The allocation of the resulting biomass (including the increase of geometrical properties according to chapter Geometry) act on the level of a tree.

  • Disturbance: Fire and landslide events are simulated on the areaa level.

  • Logging: Selective logging of trees is simulated on the area level. The selection is based on tree-specific characteristics (e.g. stem diameter or tree type) and represent conventional or reduced impact logging.

The modelled processes, which are summarized within the above mentioned main processes, are scheduled in a serial way. For an overview on the modelled processes and their schedule, see the figure below:

Formind flow chart <dic id="FlowChart">
Figure: Block diagram of the modelled processes. Different colours indicate the spatial scale on which each process is calculated (blue = area, green = patch, orange= individual). Italic written boxes show processes which are simulated with time steps of higher resolution than Δt (e.g one year). Numbers in brackets within each box show the serial order of their calculation within one time step Δt. Grey frames that underly these boxes group them according to the above mentioned main processes and their corresponding chapters. Rhombuses indicate climatic input parameters with the following abbreviations: PET – potential evapotranspiration, PPFD – photoactive photon flux density.

Periodic or open boundary conditions can be used. For periodic boundary conditions, that means processes leaving one side of the simulation area are entering the area on the opposite side again. For open boundary conditions, that means processes leaving the simulation area are lost. No migration entering the open boundaries would be considered.

For the purpose of calculations within the processes of light climate and crowding mortality, the above-ground space is discretized into vertical height layers of constant width Δh. The table below shows general input parameters.

DescriptionParameterUnitvalues range
Time stepΔtyr36515
Simulation areaAareaha1400
Patch areaApatchm2400
Width of height layersΔhm0.5


Although individual trees in real forests do not necessarily have identical shapes, we model each tree by a cylindrical stem and a cylindrical crown (see figure below). The geometry of an individual can be described completely by the following size characteristics: stem diameter (D), height (H), crown diameter (CD), crown length (CL) and crown projection area (CA) as shown in the figure below.

Geometrical representation of a single tree
Figure: Geometrical representation of a single tree . The following abbreviations describe size characteristics of the modelled tree geometry: D -stem diameter, H - height, CD - crown diameter, CL - crown length, CA crown projection area.

These size characteristics are functionally related to each other. In the following, we describe the functional relationships used. Parameters of the described relationships can vary between different tree types. Some graphical examples are given in figure at the end of the page.

Height - Stem Diameter - Relationship

The height H[m] of an tree relates to its stem diameter D[m] by several approaches. h0, h1 and h2 are type-specific parameters.

Polynomial approach


Saturation approach


Power-law approach


Crown length - Height - Relationship

The crown length CL[m] of a tree is modelled as a fraction of its height H[m]. cl0, cl1 and cl2 are type-specific parameters.

Linear approach (most frequently used)


Saturation approach


Polynomial approach


Crown diameter - Stem diameter - Relationship

The second dimension of the cylindrical crown, i.e. the crown diameter CD[m] of a tree relates to its stem diameter D[m] by several approaches. cd0, cd1 and cd2 are type-specific parameters.

Exponential approach I


Exponential approach II


Polynomial approach


Linear approach


Saturation approach


Power-law approach (most frequently used)


Crown area - Crown diameter - Relationship

The crown projection area CA[m2] of a tree is simply the ground area of the modelled cylindrical crown: CA=π4C2D

Aboveground biomass - Stem diameter - Relationship

The aboveground volume of a tree captures biomass (i.e. organic dry matter). The following different ways of modelling the aboveground biomass are included in FORMIND.

Geometrical approach (most frequently used)

Aboveground biomass B[todm] of a tree is calculated in relation to its stem diameter D[m] and height H[m] by: B=π4D2Hfρσ

whereby the calculation simply represents the volume of the stem (according to its geometry) multiplied by three factors, which describe the biomass content more concisely.

Firstly, f[-] denotes a type-specific form factor, which accounts for deviations of the stem from a cylindrical shape. Secondly, the parameter ρ[todm/m3] represents the wood density, which describes how much organic dry matter per unit of volume the stem contains. Thirdly, the division by the parameter σ[], which represents the fraction of total aboveground biomass attributed to the stem, results then in the total aboveground biomass B.

In contrast to the constant parameters ρ and σ, the form factor f can change during the growth of a tree with respect to its stem diameter D[m] via




f0, f1 and f2 are type-specific parameters.

Power-law approach

Aboveground biomass B[todm] of a tree can also be modelled in relation to its stem diameter D[m] by:


whereby b0 and b1 are type-specific parameters.

Logarithmic approach

Aboveground biomass B[todm] of a tree can also be modelled in relation to its stem diameter D[m] by:


whereby b0, b1 and b2 are type-specific parameters.

Leaf area index - Stem diameter - Relationship

In general, aboveground biomass is divided between woody biomass captured in the stem and green biomass captured in the crown leaves. Important for the photosynthetic production of a tree is the green biomass captured in crown leaves. As leaves absorb radiation for photosynthesis, the total amount of one-sided leaf area per unit of crown projection area (i.e. the individual's leaf area index) is of main interest. The leaf area index LAI[m2/m2] of a tree relates functionally to its stem diameter D[m] by:

Power-law approach (most frequently used)

LAI=l0Dl1 whereby l0 and l1 are type-specific parameters.

Linear approach

LAI=l0+l1D whereby l0 and l1 are type-specific parameters.

The figure below shows all modeled functional relationships with exemplary parameters.

Functional relationships Figure: Illustration of the modelled functional relationships, which are used to describe the geometry of a single tree. The approaches are in all cases the most frequently used ones. As parameters here we use the mean values of the parameter range, documented in table below.

parametervalues rangeunit
Hmax15 - 55m
h02 - 7-
h10.2 - 0.7-
cl00.3 - 0.4-
cd00.5 - 0.6-
cd10.65 - 0.75-
cd20.0 - 0.3-
ρ0.4 - 0.8todmm3
f00.75 - 0.80-
f1-0.15 - -0.20-
l01 - 3-
l10.1 - 0.3-

Table: Summary of the parameter range based on tropical parameterizations.

Maximum Values

The trees cannot grow indefinitely in FORMIND. We introduce the following maximum values for a plausible geometry of a mature individual:

  • maximum stem diameter Dmax[m]
  • maximum height Hmax[m]

Either the maximum stem diameter or the maximum height is given as a type-specific input parameter. The missing maximum value and the corresponding maximum biomass B[todm] are then derived using the functional relationships mentioned in section h-d-relationship and section b-d-relationship. The maximum values are used in section growth.

Recruitment and Establishment

FORMIND 3.0 includes two different possibilities to model recruitment:

  • by using global constant in-growth rates or
  • by seed production and dispersal of mother trees.

Global in-growth rates

The number of recruited seeds is assumed to be brought into the local community from an intact forest community surrounding the simulated area. This number Nseed[1yr ha] is thereby a constant type-specific parameter independent of the density of individuals already existing on the simulated area.

The recruited seeds directly enter the seed pool, but they may only germinate and establish in the next time step. Each patch is assigned an own seed pool. The recruited seeds are distributed uniformly across the patches and added to the corresponding seed pool in an amount of


If the number of ingrowing seeds Nseed is not a multiple of the number of patches #patches, a certain number of seeds will remain which are distributed randomly to the patches. For this, the patches are considered one by one incrementally starting with the first. Within each considered patch and for each remaining seed, which has not been distributed yet, its probability of assignment to the currently considered patch is compared with a random number (uniformly distributed in [0;1]). In the case of successful assignment (i.e. random number 1/#patches), the seed number per patch Npool is incremented and the number of remaining seeds decremented. At the end, the last patch receives all remaining seeds.

Before the start of the simulation, Ninit seeds already existing in the seed pool per patch (i.e. Npool = Ninit ) can be defined for each type, which may germinate and establish as seedlings already in the first time step.

Seed production and dispersal of mother trees

Before the start of the simulation, it is obligatory to assign to the seed pool of each patch a type-specific number of seeds Ninit.

During the simulation, each individual of a cohort per patch is able to produce a predefined type-specific number of seeds Nseed on its own as a mother plant if it reaches apredefined stem diameter Drep. These produced seeds are dispersed among the neighboring patches surrounding that patch the mother plant is located in. The dispersal is dependent on a defined dispersal kernel, the crown diameter CD of the mother plant and a predefined type-specific average dispersal distance dist.

There is no distinction between different dispersal agents (e.g. wind, birds, mammals). The dispersal kernel is assumed to be Weibull distributed with a shape parameter of 2 and a scale parameter of (dist+CD/2)2. Presuming rotation symmetry, the probability density fdisp that seeds are dispersed at a distance r from the mother plant is defined as


For each seed per mother plant per patch, a distance r is stochastically drawn from the dispersal kernel fdisp(r). Using the calculated distance r and a random direction DIR (drawn from a uniform distribution in the range of [0°;360°]), the target coordinates of the dispersed seed are determined in the following way



where (xind,yind) is a randomly generated position of the mother plant within its corresponding patch and (xseed;yseed) is the calculated virtual position of the dispersed seed on the simulation area. As in FORMIND 3.0 individuals do not have spatially explicit positions within the patches, the corresponding patch number of the dispersed seed is calculated from the coordinates (xseed;yseed).

The sum of those produced seeds, which are dispersed to a certain patch are added first to its corresponding seed pool Npool before they are able to germinate and establish in the next time step.

Germination of seeds

Before seeds can germinate from the seed pool and establish successfully, light and space conditions are checked. Per type a minimum number of seeds can be withheld in the seed pool, which is by default set to 0.

For determining the light conditions, the incoming irradiance on the floor is divided by the incoming irradiance above canopy (see section Competition and environmental limitations for their calculation). This results in the percentage of incoming irradiance on the floor Ifloor, which is possibly reduced due to shading of already existing individuals. Dependent on a minimum percentage of light Iseed required for seed germination and seedling establishment for each type, it is checked whether Ifloor is sufficient:


where Ngerm is the number of germinated seedlings. If light requirements are not sufficient for seeds of a specific type, they remain in the seed pool and may germinate in future time step as far as conditions become favorable. By this, seeds may accumulate in the seed pool if light conditions remain unfavorable over a period of time.

Seeds waiting in the seed pool for favorable germination conditions may be affected by seed pool mortality. For each type a mortality rate Mpool[1yr] is defined prior to the start of the simulation. A rate of M_{\text{pool}} = 0 represents, for example, an unlimited accumulation of seeds in times of unfavorable conditions. In contrast, a rate of M_{\text{pool}} = 1 would not allow any accumulation of seeds in the seed pool.

The density of germinated seedlings can be regulated as well. To this end, for each type and patch, the number N_{\text{germ}} = 0 is truncated at a predefined value max_{\text{dens}} .

Establishment of seedlings

If light requirements are fulfilled for successful seedling germination, it is secondly checked whether enough space is available for their establishment. Germinated seedlings start with a predetermined stem diameter D_{\text{min}} , irrespective of type or species. Using the chosen functional relationships describing the geometry of an individual (see section Geometry, their corresponding height H_{\text{min}} can be calculated. If space at the respective height is already filled by more than 100% with existing individuals, none of the germinated seedlings would be able to establish:

N_{\text{est}} = \begin{cases} N_{\text{germ}} & CCA_l < 1 \\ 0 & CCA_l \geq 1 \end{cases},

where N_{\text{est}} is the number of successfully established seedlings and CCA_{l} denotes the cumulative crown area at the height layer l (of height \Delta h : [\text{m}] ) that corresponds to H_{\text{min}} :

l=\left\lfloor \frac{H_{\text{min}}}{\Delta h} \right\rfloor.

See section Mortality for the calculation of the cumulative crown area CCA of all height layer of the aboveground discretized space.


Modelling tree mortality

In FORMIND trees can die due to various reasons. The following different types of mortality occur in a serial way:

  • background mortality M_B
  • mortality dependent on an individual's stem diameter M_D
  • mortality dependent on an individual's diameter increment M_I
  • crowding mortality due to limited space
  • mortality due to damage by a falling tree
  • mortality due to fragmentation

Individual trees of the same type and size that are located in the same patch are summarized in this section by a so-called cohort. Each cohort is uniquely described by its type, the number of identical trees (N), their age and the size of one single tree (i.e. aboveground biomass). In this section, the number of identical trees in a cohort changes due to mortality processes. Below, we describe the different types of mortality in greater detail.

General mortality

In contrast to the event-driven forms of mortality we will describe later, there is a general mortality rate per tree which is active in each time step t_y. This mortality rate M is calculated as the sum of the background mortality rate M_B and two further mortality rates dependent on the stem diameter M_D as well as its increment M_I:

M = M_B + M_D + M_I .

The background mortality M_B [\frac{1}{\text{yr}}] is a type-specific constant input parameter.

The mortality rate M_D depends on the stem diameter D \, [\text{m}] and provides the possibility to give older trees (with a bigger stem diameter) a higher mortality rate than younger trees or vice versa. The rate is calculated via

M_D(D) = m_{d0} \cdot D^{m_{d1}},

where m_{d0} and m_{d1} are type-specific parameters.

The mortality rate M_I depends on the increment of the stem diameter D [\text{mm}] per time step t_y and provides the possibility to include a higher mortality for older trees or those under stress. It is modelled by the functional relationship

M_I(\Delta D) = m_{i0} + m_{i1} \Delta D + m_{i2} {\Delta D}^2 ,

where m_{i0}, m_{i1} and m_{i2} are type-specific parameters. The increment of the stem diameter from time t to time t + ty is denoted as \Delta D.

The trees per patch die according to their mortality rate M - either stochastically or deterministically.

Deterministic dying is active if the number of individuals per cohort is greater than a predefined number N_M and if the stem diameter of each individual is smaller than a predefined threshold D_M. In this case, the number of dying trees per cohort is determined by

N_Y = N \cdot M,

where N is the number of trees in this cohort, N_Y is the number of dying trees per cohort and M is the calculated mortality rate per time step t_y. The number of dying trees N_Y is rounded to \lfloor N_Y + 0.5 \rfloor.

In the contrary case (i.e. N < N_M or D > D_M), deaths occur stochastically. That means, for each tree the mortality rate M represents its probability of dying (i.e. by comparing a random number from a uniform distribution in the range of [0;1] with the mortality rate M):

N_Y = \sum_{j=1}^N \delta_{rM},

where N is the number of trees per cohort, N_Y is the number of dying trees per cohort, M is the calculated mortality rate per time step t_y and r is a random number from a uniform distribution in the range of [0;1]. The symbol \delta_{rM} is defined as

\delta_{rM} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{, } r \leq M \\ 0 & \text{, } r > M \end{cases}.

Crowding mortality

Crowding occurs if at any height layer the cumulative crown area of all trees on a patch exceeds A_\text{patch}. At first, the cumulative crown area CCA [\frac{m^2}{m^2}] of all trees on a patch is calculated for each height layer i relative to the patch area A_\text{patch}:

CCA_i = \frac{1}{A_\text{patch}} \cdot \sum_{\text{all individuals} \ \text{with } l_{min} \leq i \leq l_{max}} C_A,

where C_A is the crown projection area of a tree (see section B). Each tree occupies only a limited amount of height layers (i.e. between layer l_\text{min} and l_\text{max}) defined by the individual's crown length C_L [\text{m}] and its height H [\text{m}]:

l_\text{max}= \left\lfloor \frac{H}{\Delta h} \right\rfloor \ l_\text{min}= \left\lfloor \frac{H-C_L}{\Delta h} \right\rfloor

Mortality due to crowding is calculated per tree and represented by a reduction factor Rc [-]. This individual reduction factor is calculated based on those height layers that the individual's crown is occupying (see Figure below).

Space limitation <div id="figSpacelimitation" />
Figure: Illustration of crowding on the example of two single trees. The limits of each crown are shown by l_\text{min}(\text{Tree 1}), l_\text{max}(\text{Tree 1}), l_\text{min}(\text{Tree 2}) and l_\text{max}(\text{Tree 2}). The vertically discretized aboveground space into height layers of width \Delta h [\text{m}] is coloured differently according to the sum of the crown projection areas of both individuals occupying the layers. The darker the colour is, the more crowns occupy the respective height layer. This is calculated by the cumulative crown area CCA [-] relative to the patch area, which is illustrated on the right side. The maximum of CCA is used to calculate the reduction factor R_c for each individual. In this example, the reduction factor for each of both trees is calculated based on the 5th height layer from the bottom (equal to layer l_\text{min}(\text{Tree 1}) and l_\text{max}(\text{Tree 2})).

The reduction factor R_c is determined by the reciprocal of the maximum cumulative crown area CCA corresponding to the height layers between the individual limits l_\text{min} and l_\text{max}:

\begin{align} R_c = \frac{1}{\max\limits_{i \in [l_\text{min}, ..., l_\text{max}]} (CCA_i)}. \end{align}

If the maximum cumulative crown area of any height layer that the individual's crown is occupying exceeds A_\text{patch} (i.e. CCA_i > 1), the individual reduction factor R_c falls below the threshold of 0.99. In this case, the number of dying identical trees per cohort N_C is calculated by

N_C = N~(1-R_c).

Mortality due to crowding (or self-thinning) can be interpreted as competition for space. Besides crowding, the vertical discretization of the aboveground space is also important for the light climate calculations. To save computation time, the calculation of R_c is coupled to that of the light climate, which is explained in Chapter E.

Tree fall mortality

If a tree falls, neighboring trees can be destroyed. A dying tree falls down with probability f_{fall}. The falling target patch depends on the falling direction and on the tree height H. The falling direction DIR (drawn from a uniform distribution in the range of [0, 360]) is chosen randomly. The target coordinates of the falling tree (x_{fall}; y_{fall}) are determined in the following way:

\begin{align} x_\text{fall} &= x_\text{tree}+H\sin\left(2~\pi~\frac{DIR}{360}\right) \\ y_\text{fall} &= y_\text{tree}+H\cos\left(2~\pi~\frac{DIR}{360}\right) \end{align}

where (x_\text{tree}; y_\text{tree}) is the standing position of the falling tree. These target coordinates are used to determine the affected patch. All smaller trees (\text{tree height} < H) in this target patch are dying with a damage probability M_\text{dam}:

\begin{align} M_\text{dam} = \frac{C_A}{A_\text{patch}} , \end{align}

where C_A is the crown area of the falling tree and A_\text{patch} the area of the target patch.

The trees in the target patch die according to the damage rate M_\text{dam} - either stochastically or deterministically. Deterministic dying is active if the number of trees per cohort is greater than 100. In this case, the number of dying trees per cohort N_F is determined by multiplying the number of trees N per cohort with the damage rate M_\text{dam}.

\begin{align} N_F = N \cdot M_\text{dam}, \label{NF} \end{align}

The number of dying trees N_F is rounded to \left\lfloor N_F + 0.5 \right\rfloor.

In the contrary case (less than 100 trees per cohort), stochastic dying is performed. That means, for each tree the damage rate M_\text{dam} represents its probability of dying (i.e. by comparing a random number from a uniform distribution in the range of [0;1] with the damage rate).

\begin{align} N_F = \sum_{j=1}^N \delta_{rM_\text{dam}} \text{,} \label{NF2} \end{align}

where N is the number of trees per cohort, N_F is the number of dying trees per cohort, M_\text{dam} is the damage rate per time step t_y and r is a random number from a uniform distribution in the range of [0;1]. The symbol \delta_{rM_\text{dam}} is defined as:

\begin{align} \delta_{rM_\text{dam}} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{, } r \leq M_\text{dam} \\ 0 & \text{, } r > M_\text{dam} \end{cases} \label{deltarMdam} \end{align}

Change of mortality due to fragmentation

It has been observed that mortality is increased and tree species richness is reduced at forest edges, and that large trees are often missing in small fragments. The extent of forest edges varies between forest regions. For example, increased edge mortality could be measured up to 100 \text{m} into the forest interior in the Amazon.

In FORMIND we model increased mortality at the edge of forest fragments by multiplying the general mortality M with a fragmentation variable m_\text{frag}. Thus, the additional mortality due to fragmentation can be calculated as

\begin{align} M_\text{frag}=M \cdot (m_\text{frag} - 1). \end{align}

We assume that the fragmentation-induced mortality M_\text{frag} is higher at forest edges (< 100 \,m) than in the interior. Thus, the value of m_\text{frag} is modelled dependent on the distance to the fragment edges (see Table below). In addition, large trees (D > 60 \,\text{cm}) can suffer an increased mortality.

Distance to edgeValue of m_\text{frag} (D \leq 60)Value of m_\text{frag} (D > 60)
0 - 20 \text{m}2.54
20 - 40 \text{m}1.752.5
40 - 60 \text{m}1.3751.75
60 - 80 \text{m}1.18751.375
80 - 100 \text{m}1.093751.1875

Table: Mortality increase due to fragmentation, dependent on the distance to a fragment edge and on the stem diameter D \, [\text{cm}] of a tree.

If this type of mortality is activated, we recommend to choose a patch size of 20 \,\text{m} x 20 \,\text{m} (i.e. A_\text{patch} = 400 \,\text{m}^2) according to the distance classes in the Table above.

The number of additional trees that die due to fragmentation effects can be calculated as:

\begin{align} N_\text{frag}=N \cdot M_\text{frag}. \end{align}

Overall change in number of trees per cohort

Overall, per time step \Delta t and for each cohort the change in the number of trees per cohort N is determined by:

\begin{align} \Delta N = -(N_Y + N_C +N_F + N_\text{frag}), \end{align}

where N_Y is the number of trees dying due to regular mortality, N_C is the number of trees dying due to crowding, N_F is the number of trees dying due to damages caused by a falling tree and N_\text{frag} is the number of trees dying due to increased mortality near fragment edges.

The amount of aboveground carbon S_\text{mort} [\frac{t_{C}}{\text{ha}}] resulting from the death of trees within the current time step is calculated by

\begin{align} S_\text{mort} = 0.44 \cdot \sum_\text{all cohorts} (N_Y + N_C + N_F + N_\text{frag})\cdot B, \end{align}

where B is the aboveground biomass of the tree (see chapter Geometry). We assume that 1 \text{g} organic dry matter contains 44 \% carbon Larcher 2001.

Competition and environmental limitations

Light climate

A single tree on a patch receives full incoming radiation. An increasing number of individual trees of differing heights on a patch results in shading within the canopy. Higher trees intercept radiation, which is not available for smaller individuals. Thus, with decreasing height from the canopy down to the ground, radiation is decreasing. We call this vertical distribution of light availability within a patch ’light climate’.

To calculate the light availability in different heights within the canopy, the vertical discretization of the above-ground space is used (i.e. height layers of constant width \Delta h). For each patch and height layer, the leaf area accumulated by all trees on the patch is calculated. Each tree contributes parts of its crown leaf area to those height layers, which are occupied by its crown (i.e. height layers from l_{min} to l_{max}). These limits are determined by the individual’s crown length C_{L} and its height H: l_{max}= \left\lfloor \frac{H}{\Delta h} \right\rfloor\\ l_{min}= \left\lfloor \frac{H-C_L}{\Delta h} \right\rfloor.

The number of height layers a tree is occupying by its crown n_{layer} can then be calculated by: n_{layer} = l_{max}-l_{min}

For those height layers between l_{min} and l_{max}, an individual’s leaf area contributes equally to each layer i: \bar{L_{i}}=\frac{LAI \cdot C_A}{n_{layer}},

whereby \overline{L_{i}} [m²] represents the contribution of an tree’s leaf area to the layer i, LAI~[-] is the leaf area index of the tree (see section B.6) and C_{A}~[m²] is crown projection area of the tree’s crown. The multiplication of LAI by C_{A} results in the leaf area in [m²] of a single tree .

Summing up all contributions of the trees’ leaf area per patch to their respective occupied height layers and relative to the patch area, results in the patch-based leaf area index \hat{L_{i}}~[-] per layer i:

\hat{L_{i}} =\frac{1}{A_{patch}} \sum_{\ all\ individuals \\ with\ l_{min} \leq i \leq l_{max}} \hat{L_{i}}, where \hat{L_{i}} [m²] represents the leaf area contribution of an tree to the height layer i and A_{patch}~[m²] denotes the area of a patch.

Using this information, the radiation each tree is able to intercept can be determined. Light attenuation through the canopy is calculated using the approach of . The incoming radiation I_{ind} on top of a tree (i.e. on top of the height layer l_{max} the tree is reaching) is calculated by: I_{ind}=I_{0}\cdot exp \left(-k \cdot \sum_{i>l_{max}}\hat{L_{i}}\right),

where the sum in the exponent accumulates the patch-based leaf area indices of all height layers above the individual’s height. The parameter k denotes the light extinction coefficient [-] of a tree, I_{0} [\mu mol (photons)/m² s] is the daily radiation above canopy averaged from sunrise to sunset during the vegetation period and \hat{L_{i}} [-] represents the patch-based leaf area index of height layer i.

lightclimate <div id="figLightclimate" />
Figure 6: Illustration of the light climate on the example of two single trees . The limits of each crown are shown by l_{min} (Tree1), l_{max} (Tree1), l_{min} (Tree2), l_{max} (Tree2). The vertically discretized aboveground space into height layers of width \Delta h [m] is coloured differently according to the available radiation. The lighter the colour is, the more attenuated the radiation is, which results from the absorption by higher individuals' leaves. On the right hand side the decrease of available light from the canopy to the floor is illustrated by the grey polygon. Thereby, attenuation is greatest in the height layer both trees occupy by their crowns (i.e. layer l_{min} (Tree1) and l_{max} (Tree2).

By determining the available radiation for each single tree (at the top of the crown), competition for light between trees is considered.

Water cycle and soil water limitation

Individual trees take up soil water resources to fulfill the requirements for their gross productivity. We determine an individual's uptake of soil water based on its demand and on the total available soil water.

Firstly, the soil water content \Theta_{soil} is computed preliminary on an hourly basis using a differential equation, which quantifies preliminary hourly changes in the soil water content per patch depending on precipitation PR, interception IN and run-off RO (see figure below, cf. Kumagai et al. 2004 ): \begin{equation} \tag{55} \frac{d \Theta_{soil}}{dt} = PR(t) - IN(t) - RO(t) .\ \label{SWC} \end{equation} The resulting soil water content represents the total available soil water before soil water uptake by individuals. Uptake of soil water resources by trees is modelled equal to their transpiration and subtracted from \Theta_{soil} later within the timestep (see eqn. \ref{soilwater}).

The interception IN~[mm/h] is calculated dependent on the total leaf area index per patch (i.e. \sum_{i} \hat{L_{i}} in [-], cf. Liang et al. 1994): \begin{equation} \tag{56} IN(t) = \text{min}\left(K_{L} \cdot \left(\sum_{i} ~ \hat{L_{i}}\right), PR(t)\right), \label{in} \end{equation} where K_{L}~[mm/h] is the interception constant and PR~[mm/h] denotes the precipitation.

On the ground surface of a patch, we consider two different run-offs: surface run-off and subsurface run-off: \begin{equation} RO(t) = RO_{\rightarrow}(t) + RO_{\downarrow}(t),\ \end{equation} where surface run-off RO_{\rightarrow}~[mm/h] is defined in the following way:
\begin{equation} RO_{\rightarrow} = \text{max} \left(0, \Theta _{soil}(t) + PR(t) - IN(t) - POR \right) \label{rosur} \end{equation} with POR~[mm/h] denoting the soil porosity (i.e. defined as the maximum water intake of the soil per patch).All additional incoming water is assumed to be surface run-off.

watercycle <div id="figWatercycle" />
Figure 7: Illustration of the water cycle on the example of a single tree.

For the calculation of the subsurface run-off RO_{\downarrow} due to gravitation, we use the Brooks-Corey relation (cf. Liang et al. 1994): \begin{equation} RO_{\downarrow} = K_{s} \cdot \left( \frac{\Theta_{\text{soil}} (t)-\Theta_{\text{res}}}{POR-\Theta_{\text{res}}} \right)^{\frac{2}{\lambda}+3}, \label{rosub} \end{equation} where K_{s}[mm/h] is the fully saturated conductivity, \Theta_{res}[mm/h] the residual water content, and \lambda~[-] the pore size distribution index.

The preliminary soil water content \Theta_{soil} represents the soil water content, which is available for the individuals' uptake or transpiration. To calculate the transpiration TR~[mm/h] of all trees per patch, we use the water-use-efficiency concept (cf. Lambers et al. 2008): \begin{equation} TR=\frac{1}{A_{patch}} ~\sum_{\text{all trees}} \frac{GPP}{WUE}, \end{equation} whereby GPP in [g_{\text{ODM}}/h] denotes the hourly gross primary production of an individual on the patch (see section F). Please note, that we simulate GPP per time step t_y. To calculate GPP on an hourly basis, we divide GPP [g_{\text{ODM}}/\Delta t] by the number of hours within the time step \Delta t. The constant type-specific value WUE in [g_{\text{ODM}}/kg_{H_2O}] represents the water-use-efficiency parameter and A_{\text{patch}} \text{m}^2 the area of a patch.

The resulting transpiration TR may be limited in three ways calculated in a serial way:

PET limitation Transpiration can be limited by the potential evapotranspiration PET \tfrac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}} and the interception IN \tfrac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}} (calculated by eqn. \ref{in}): \begin{equation} TR_{new} = \begin{cases} TR(t) & \text{,} TR(t) \leq PET(t) - IN(t)\\ PET(t) - IN(t) & \text{,} TR(t) > PET(t) - IN(t) \end{cases} \end{equation}

Soil water limitation Transpiration can be limited by the preliminary soil water content \Theta_{soil}~[mm/h] (calculated by eqn. \ref{SWC}) and the permanent wilting point \Theta_{pwp}~[mm/h]: \begin{equation} TR_{new}(\Theta_{soil})= \begin{cases} TR(t) & \text{,} \Theta_{soil}(t) - TR(t) \geq \Theta_{pwp} \\ \Theta_{soil}(t) - \Theta_{pwp} & \text{,} \Theta_{soil}(t) - TR(t) < \Theta_{pwp} \\ 0 & \text{,} \Theta_{soil}(t) \leq \Theta_{pwp} \end{cases}. \end{equation}

Competition for water Competition between trees can limit the transpiration in the following way: \begin{equation} TR = \varphi_{W}(\Theta_{soil}) \cdot TR(t), \label{actTR} \end{equation} where \varphi_{W} [-] represents a reduction factor ranging between 0 and 1, depending on the actual soil water content.

The reduction factor \varphi_{W} is calculated using the approach of Granier et al. 1999, which is based on the preliminary soil water content (calculated by eqn. \ref{SWC}): \begin{equation} \varphi_{W}(\Theta_{soil})= \begin{cases} 0 & \text{,} \Theta_{soil}(t) \leq \Theta_{pwp} \\ \frac{\Theta_{soil}(t)- \Theta_{pwp}}{ \Theta_{msw}-\Theta_{pwp}} & \text{,} \Theta_{pwp} < \Theta_{soil}(t) \leq \Theta_{msw} \\ 1 & \text{,} \Theta_{msw} < \Theta_{soil}(t) \end{cases}, \tag{64} \label{phiW} \end{equation} where \Theta_{pwp} is the permanent wilting point in [V\%] and \Theta_{msw} is the minimum soil water content in [V\%]. For the purpose of the calculation of eqn. \ref{phiW} only, \Theta_{soil} needs to be converted from [mm/h] to [V\%]. Thereby, the soil is modelled down to a constant depth [m] defined prior to the start of the simulation.

The minimum soil water content (\Theta_{msw}) is determined according to Granier et al. 1999 by:
\begin{equation} \Theta_{msw} = \Theta_{pwp} + 0.4 (\Theta_{fc}-\Theta_{pwp}) \label{msw} \end{equation} whereby \Theta_{fc} denotes the field capacity in [V\%].

The soil water content in the next day step is then calculated by the difference between the preliminary soil water content (calculated by eqn. \ref{SWC}) and the (eventually limited) transpiration TR: \begin{equation} \tag{66} \frac{d\Theta_{soil}}{dt} = \Theta_{soil}(t) – TR(t). \label{soilwater} \end{equation}

WaterFuncExample <div id="figWaterFuncExample" />
Figure 8: Water limitation function. a) limitation of TR due to PET. b) limitation of TR due to Soil water. c) \varphi_{water} as function of Soil water.


The gross primary production GPP~[t_{ODM}/t_y] of a tree (see section F) may be influenced by phenology (esp. in the temperate zone) and air temperature. Respiration for maintenance purposes of an individual (see section F) may also be affected by air temperature. The influence on both - gross productivity and respiration, is modelled using limitation factor, by which they are simply multiplied (see section F). In the following, we describe the calculations of these limitation factors:


Individual trees make photosynthesis only during their photosynthetic active period. In the temperate zone, we distinguish between broad-leaf and needle-leaf trees. Only deciduous broad-leaf trees have two phenology phases: (i) a dormant phase during winter and (ii) a photosynthetic active period of \varphi_{act}~[days] after bud-burst until fall (i.e. the vegetation period).

The date of bud-burst is reached, if the temperature sum (daily mean air temperatures > 5°C) since 1 January is higher than a critical temperature T_{crit} (Sato et al. 2007): \begin{equation} T_{crit}= -68+638 ~e^{-0.01\cdot n}, \label{budburst} \end{equation} where n is the number of days per time step \Delta t with an air temperature below 5 ° since 1 November of the previous year. This algorithm is based on the global distribution of leaf onset dates estimated from remote sensing data (Botta et al. 2000). The photosynthetic active period stops if the 10-day moving average of daily mean air temperatures falls below 9 °C (Sato et al. 2007).

In contrast to the broad-leaf trees, the photosynthetic active period \varphi_{act} of needle-leaf trees amounts a complete year of 365 days (without any dormant phase).

In the tropical zone, we assume for all individuals irrespective of their type a complete photosynthetic active period with \varphi_{act}=365 days.

Temperature limitation of gross productivity

The gross primary production of a tree can be reduced due to air temperatures. A corresponding limitation factor \varphi_{T} is calculated by averaging the reduction factors over the whole time step \Delta t: \begin{equation} \varphi_{T}= \frac{1}{n} ~ \sum_{1}^{n} \varphi_{T,l} \cdot \varphi_{T,h}, \label{lim_temp} \end{equation} where n is the number of days per time step \Delta t and the values \varphi_{T,l} and \varphi_{T,h} are the daily inhibition factors for low and high air temperatures (Gutiérrez & Huth 2012, Haxeltine & Prentice 1996).\

The reduction factor for low air temperatures \varphi_{T,l}~[°C] is calculated by: \begin{equation} \varphi_{T,l}= \left(1+ e^{k_{0} \cdot k_{1} - T }\right)^{-1}, \label{temp_low} \end{equation} where T~[°C]is the daily mean air temperature and k_{0} and k_{1} are type-specific parameters.

These parameters k_{0} and k_{1} are calculated by: \begin{equation} k_{0} = \frac{2 ~ln(0.01/0.99)}{T_{CO_{2},l}-T_{cold}} \label{k0} \end{equation}

\begin{equation} k_{1} = 0.5 ~(T_{CO_{2},l}+ T_{cold}) \label{k1} \end{equation} where T_{CO_{2},l} [°C] and T_{cold} [°C] are type-specific parameters representing the lowest temperature limit for CO_{2} assimilation and the monthly mean air temperature of the coldest month an individual can cope with, respectively.\

Similarly, the \textbf{inhibition factor for high air temperatures} \varphi_{T,h} in °C is calculated by: \begin{equation} \varphi_{T,h} = 1 - 0.01 \cdot e^{k_{2} ~ (T-T_{hot}) } \label{temp_high} \end{equation} where k_{2} is a type-specific parameter, T [°C] is the daily mean temperature and T_{hot} [°C] is the type-specific mean temperature of the hottest month an individual can occur.\

The parameter k_{2} is calculated as: \begin{equation} k_{2} = \frac{ln(0.99/0.01)}{T_{CO_{2},h}-T_{hot}}, \label{k2} \end{equation} whereby T_{CO_{2},h} [°C] and T_{hot} [°C] are type-specific parameters representing the higher temperature limit for CO_{2} assimilation and the monthly mean air temperature of the warmest month an individual can cope with, respectively.

Temperature limitation of maintenance respiration

Maintenance respiration is assumed to change exponentially with air temperature represented by the limitation factor \kappa_{T} (Prentice et al. 1993):

\begin{equation} \kappa_{T} = \frac{1}{n} ~ \sum_{1}^{n} Q_{10}^{\left(\frac{T-T_{ref}}{10}\right)}, \label{r_main} \end{equation} where n is the number of days per time step t_y, T [°C] is the daily mean air temperature, Q_{10} [-] and T_{ref} [°C] are constant parameters, irrespective of type. T_{ref} represents the reference temperature, at which maintenance respiration is not influenced. Air temperatures below T_{ref} result in a decrease of maintenance respiration (\kappa_{T} < 1) and those above T_{ref} in an increase of maintenance respiration (\kappa_{T} > 1).

TemperatureFuncExample <div id="figTemperatureFuncExample" />
Figure 9: Temperature limitation function. a) limitation factor of Photosynthesis. b) limitation factor of maintenance respiration.

Growth of a tree

Interim photosynthesis

Based on the incoming irradiance on top of a tree I_{ind} (see section Competition and environmental limitations), organic dry matter is produced via gross photosynthesis. In this section, the interim photosynthesis is calculated without reduction due to limited soil water availability and temperature effects.

The interim gross photosynthesis P_{ind} of an individual is modelled using the approach of Thornley & Johnson 1990. It is based on the single-leaf photosynthesis modelled by a Michaelis-Menten function – a typical saturation function describing the relation between the radiation I_{leaf} available on top of a leaf and its gross photosynthetic rate P_{leaf}: \begin{equation} P_{leaf}(I_{leaf}) = \frac{\alpha \cdot I_{leaf} \cdot p_{max}}{\alpha \cdot I_{leaf} + p_{max}}, \label{P_leaf} \tag{75} \end{equation} where \alpha is the quantum efficiency, also known as the initial slope of the type-specific light response curve, I_{leaf} is the incoming irradiance on top of the surface of a single leaf within the individual's crown and p_{max} is the maximum leaf gross photosynthetic rate.

To obtain the incoming irradiance on top of the surface of a single leaf I_{leaf}, the available irradiance I_{ind} on top of the entire individual has to be modified: \begin{equation} I_{leaf}(L) =\frac{k}{1-m} ~ I_{ind} \cdot e^{-k\cdot L}, \label{I_leaf} \end{equation} where k [-] is the type-specific light extinction coefficient, m [-] represents the transmission coefficient and I_{ind} denotes the available incoming irradiance on top of a tree.

The first part \frac{k}{1-m} ~ I_{ind} in the eqn. above is correcting the incoming irradiance in order to obtain those parts that can be absorbed by a leaf. The second part e^{-k\cdot L} in the eqn. above accounts for self-shading within the individual's crown. As the leaves of an individual are assumed to be homogeneously distributed within its crown, some leaves will be shaded by higher ones within the crown. In this process, L=0 represents the top of the individual and L=LAI represents the bottom of the individual's crown with LAI being its leaf area index (see section Geometry).

To obtain the interim gross photosynthetic rate of a tree per year P_{ind}, the single-leaf photosynthesis of eqn. (\ref{P_leaf}) is integrated over the individual’s leaf area index LAI (see section Geometry): \begin{equation} P_{ind} = \int_{0}^{LAI}P_{leaf}(I_{leaf}(L))dL.\ \label{P_tree} \end{equation}

The integration results in the interim photosynthesis of a tree per year (Thornley & Johnson 1990): \begin{equation} P_{ind} = \frac{p_{max}}{k} \cdot ln \frac{\alpha ~k~I_{ind} + p_{max}(1-m)}{\alpha ~k ~ I_{ind} ~ e^{-k \cdot LAI} + p_{max} (1-m)}. \label{P_tree_integral} \end{equation}

To convert the interim photosynthesis P_{ind} from [µmol_{CO_2}/m² s] to [t_{ODM}/y], P_{ind} has to be multiplied by the individual’s crown area C_A (see section Geometry), the type-specific photosynthetically active period \varphi_{act} and finally a conversion factor c_{odm}: \begin{equation} P_{ind} \cdot C_A \cdot 60 \cdot 60 \cdot l_{day} \cdot \varphi_{act} \cdot \varphi_{odm}, \label{GPP_tree} \tag{79} \end{equation} where the multiplication by 60 \cdot 60 accounts for the conversion from seconds to hours. The factor l_{day} [h] represents the mean day length during the vegetation period \varphi_{act} [d] (see section Competition and environmental limitations). The conversion factor \varphi_{odm} = 0.63 \cdot 44 \cdot 10^{-12} includes the molar mass of CO_2, the conversion from g to t and the conversion from CO_2 to organic dry mass ODM (Larcher 2001).

Gross primary production

The gross primary production GPP of a tree is calculated from the interim photosynthesis P_{ind} [t_{ODM}/y] (see section Interim photosynthesis): \begin{equation} GPP = P_{ind} ~ \varphi_{T} ~\varphi_{W}, \label{GPP_tree2} \end{equation} where \varphi_{W} denotes the reduction factor accounting for limited soil water and \varphi_{T} represents the limitation factor of air temperature effect. Both factors range between 0 and 1 and thus, only reducing GPP in times of unfavorable conditions (see section Competition and environmental limitations).

Biomass increment of a tree

Gross primary production GPP of the eqn. above is first used for the maintenance of the already existing aboveground biomass of a tree. Costs for maintenance are modelled as biomass losses in terms of maintenance respiration R_m [t_{ODM}/y]. The remaining productivity (GPP-R_m) is then available for growth of new aboveground biomass. Costs for the production of new structural tissue are modelled also as biomass losses in terms of growth respiration. This results in the net productivity \Delta B (Dislich et al. 2009): \begin{equation} \Delta B = (1-r_g) ~(GPP - R_m) , \label{Binc} \end{equation} where r_g [-] represents a constant parameter describing the fraction of (GPP-R_m) attributed to growth respiration. In contrast, maintenance respiration R_m is modelled proportionally to the already existing aboveground biomass of a tree (see section Maintenance respiration).

Maintenance respiration

The maintenance respiration R_{m} of a tree is calculated inversely by rearranging the eqn. above: \begin{equation} R_m = GPP - \frac{\Delta B}{1 - r_g}. \label{RM} \end{equation}

Maintenance respiration R_m is further modelled proportional to the already existing aboveground biomass B [t_{ODM}] of an individual: \begin{equation} R_{m} = \kappa_T \cdot r_{m} \cdot B, \label{R_main} \end{equation} where r_{m} denotes the maintenance respiration rate [\frac{1}{y}] and \kappa_{T} represents a limitation factor dependent on air temperature (see section Competition and environmental limitations).

Combining the last two eqations above and arranging in terms of the respiration rate r_m results in: \begin{equation} r_{m} = \frac{1}{B \cdot \kappa_T} \cdot \left(GPP - \frac{\Delta B}{1 - R_g}\right). \label{rmrate} \tag{84} \end{equation}

In FORMIND 3.0 we have two different approaches of calculating the maintenance respiration rate based on the eqn. above:

  • Optimal approach (no limitation)
  • Observation-based approach

In the following, we describe both approaches in greater detail.

Optimal approach (most frequently used)

The maintenance respiration rate r_{m} of the eqn. above is calculated using the assumption of full resource availability. That is, it is assumed that full resource availability (i.e. no limitation by shading, soil water or air temperature) results in the observed maxima of field measurements of stem diameter increments: \begin{equation} r_{m} = \frac{1}{B} \cdot \left(P_{ind}(I_0) - \frac{B(D+g(D))-B}{(1-R_g)}\right), \label{R_mainsimple} \end{equation} where this equation can be obtained by substituting in eqn. (\ref{rmrate}) (i) \kappa_T by 1, (ii) GPP by the gross productivity under full resource availability P_{ind}(I_0) (see eqn. \ref{GPP_tree}) with I_0 as the full available incoming irradiance and (iii) \Delta B by the biomass increment derived from the maximum stem diameter increment under full resource availability D+g(D) using the individual's geometry (see section Geometry). See section Maximum diameter growth curve for different modelling approaches of the maximum diameter growth curve g(D).

This approach is proposed when climate data at the time of field measurements are not available.

Observation-based approach

In this approach, the maintenance respiration rate r_{m} is calculated including those climatic conditions, that were observed during the field measurements of stem diameter increments. The correspondence of environmental factors (see section Competition and environmental limitations) to these climatic conditions during the observations is indicated by \check{\cdot}.

\begin{equation} r_{m} = \frac{1}{B} \cdot \left(GPP(\check{I_{ind}},\check{\varphi_{act}},\check{\varphi_T},\check{\varphi_W}) - \frac{B(D+g(D))-B}{(1-R_g)} \right), \label{R_mainref} \end{equation} This equation can be obtained by substituting in eqn. (\ref{rmrate}) (i) \kappa_T by 1, (ii) GPP by the gross productivity under the climate during observations GPP(\check{I_{ind}},\check{\varphi_{act}},\check{\varphi_T},\check{\varphi_W}) and (iii) \Delta B by the biomass increment derived from the maximum stem diameter increment using the individual's geometry D+g(D) (see section Geometry). See section Maximum diameter growth curve for different modelling approaches of the maximum diameter growth curve g(D).

This approach is proposed when climate data are available at the time field data on stem diameter increments were measured. In general, diameter increments are determined based on the difference of stem diameter measurements between two dates. For this time period climate data would be needed on which the limitation factors \check{I_{ind}}, \check{\varphi_{act}}, \check{\varphi_T} and \check{\varphi_W} of the eqn. above can be calculated as described in section Competition and environmental limitations.

Maximum diameter growth curve

In the field, diameter increments can be determined by calculating the differences between two measurements of the stem diameter per tree (at two distinct observation dates). The increments are then usually plotted against the measured stem diameter of the first observation date to get an impression of how much a tree of stem diameter D is able to increase (see Fig below for an example).

Alternative Text
Illustration of a measured diameter growth curve. Points represent illustrative measurements. The solid line represents a growth function to the maximum values of the measurements. Dotted lines show important characteristics that would be needed for the first approach.

Such point clouds as illustrated in the Fig. above can be described by functional relationships. Please note that you have to adjust the increments according to a time step of 1 year. That means, if there is a period of e.g. 5 years between both observation dates of stem diameter measurements, you would have to correct the increments with respect to the smaller time scale.

In FORMIND 3.0 we have two different approaches of determining the diameter growth function g(D):

  • Calculation of coefficients from curve characteristics
  • Coefficients as input parameters

Below, we describe both approaches in more detail.

Calculation of coefficients from curve characteristics

Only a few information of the measured diameter increment curve need to be derived:

  • maximum diameter increment \Delta D_{max} [m/y]
  • stem diameter D_{\Delta D_{max}} [% ~ \text{of}~ D_{max}], which reaches \Delta D_{max}
  • maximum diameter increment \Delta D_{D_{min}} [% ~ \text{of}~ \Delta D_{max}] of the smallest possible tree (with D = D_{min})
  • maximum diameter increment \Delta D_{D_{max}} [% ~ \text{of}~ \Delta D_{max}] of the biggest possible tree (with D = D_{max})

Based on these characteristics, the coefficients of the growth function g(D) can be calculated explicitly. Two different approaches are available:

  • Polynomial approach
  • Chanter approach

In the following, we show for both functional approaches of g(D) the calculation of their coefficients.

Polynomial approach

The polynomial approach describes the growth function g(D) as a third order polynomial: \begin{equation} g(D)=a_0 + a_1 \cdot D + a_2 \cdot D^2 + a_3 \cdot D^3, \label{growth} \end{equation} where a_0,a_1,a_2 and a_3 are the type-specific coefficients, which are calculated as follows: \begin{eqnarray*} a_3 &=& \frac{(x_0 \cdot x_1 + (\Delta D_{D_{min}} - \Delta D_{D_{max}}) \cdot \Delta D_{max} \cdot x_2)}{x_3+x_4+x_5+x_6+x_7}\\ a_2 &=& \frac{(x_0 - a_3 \cdot x_8)}{(2 \cdot D_{min} \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max}) - (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})^2 - D_{min}^2)}\\ a_1 &=& -3 \cdot a_3 \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})^2 - 2 \cdot a_2 \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max}) \\ a_0 &=& \Delta D_{D_{min}} \cdot \Delta D_{max} - a_3 \cdot D_{min}^3 - a_2 \cdot D_{min}^2 - a_1\cdot D_{min}\ \end{eqnarray*} with \begin{eqnarray*} x_0 &=& \Delta D_{max}-\Delta D_{D_{min}} \cdot \Delta D_{max}\\ x_1 &=& 2 \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max}) \cdot (D_{min} - D_{max}) - D_{min}^2 + D_{max}^2\\ x_2 &=& 2 \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max}) \cdot (D_{min} - (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})) - D_{min}^2 + (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})^2\\ x_3 &=& (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})^4 \cdot (D_{max} - D_{min})\\ x_4 &=& 2 \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})^3 \cdot (D_{min}^2 - D_{max}^2)\\ x_5 &=& (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})^2 \cdot (5 \cdot D_{min}^3 + 3 \cdot D_{min} \cdot D_{max}^2 - 3 \cdot D_{max} \cdot D_{min}^2 + D_{max}^3)\\ x_6 &=& 2 \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max}) \cdot (D_{max} \cdot D_{min}^3 - D_{min} \cdot D_{max}^3)\\ x_7 &=& D_{max}^3 \cdot D_{min}^2 - D_{max}^2 \cdot D_{min}^3 + D_{min}^4 - D_{min}^5\\ x_8 &=& 3 \cdot D_{min} \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})^2 - 2 \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})^3 - D_{min}^3\ \ \end{eqnarray*}

Chanter approach

This approach describes the growth function g(D) as follows: \begin{equation} g(D)=a_0 \cdot D \cdot \left(1 - \frac{D}{D_{max}}\right) \cdot e^{-a_1 \cdot D}, \end{equation} where a_0 and a_1 are the type-specific coefficients, which are calculated by: \begin{eqnarray*} a_0 &=& \frac{e^{\frac{D_{max} - 2 \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})}{D_{max} - (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})}} \cdot D_{max} \cdot \Delta D_{max}}{(D_{max} - (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})) \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})}\\ a_1 &=& \frac{D_{max} - 2 \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})}{D_{max} \cdot (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max}) - (D_{\Delta D_{max}} \cdot D_{max})^2},\\ \end{eqnarray*} where D_{max} is calculated out of maximum height (see section Maximum Values).

Coefficients as input parameter

For this approach, the coefficients of the corresponding growth function g(D) are input parameter already known prior to the start of the simulation. The following three different functional approaches of g(D) are implemented:

Weibull approach

The growth function g(D) is described by a Weibull function of: \begin{equation} g(D) = a_0 \cdot a_1 \cdot a_2 \cdot (a_1 \cdot D)^{a_2 - 1} \cdot e^{-(a_1 \cdot D)^{a_2}}, \end{equation} where a_0, a_1 and a_2 are the type-specific coefficients.

Richards approach

The growth function g(D) is described by: \begin{equation} g(D) = a_0 \cdot a_1 \cdot a_2 \cdot e^{-a_1 \cdot D} \cdot \left(1 - e^{-a_1 \cdot D}\right)^{a_2 - 1}, \end{equation} where a_0, a_1 and a_2 are the type-specific coefficients.

Chanter approach (most freqeuntly used)

The growth function g(D) is described by: \begin{equation} g(D) = a_0 \cdot D \cdot \left(1 - \frac{D}{D_{max}}\right) \cdot e^{-a_1 \cdot D}, \end{equation} where a_0 and a_1 are the type-specific coefficients.

Please note, when determining the type-specific coefficients prior to the start of the simulation, that the curve represents growth under full resource availability. That means, not all measurements should be fitted, but only the maximum diameter increments (see Fischer 2010 p. 55 for an example).


Disturbances comprise the following scenarios:

  • fire events, which affect trees depending on their fire resistance
  • landslide events, which create bare soil

In total, N_D individuals of a cohort are dying due to disturbance induced mortality events.


The fire module in FORMIND is published in Fischer 2021. Fire is the primary disturbance process affecting the terrestrial biosphere (Pfeiffer et al. 2013). Especially wildfires affect species composition and vegetation structure in forests. They lead to a decrease of carbon storage and result in the emission of greenhouse gases. There is a long tradition in fire ecology to understand these processes and their interactions. Numerous methods were developed to estimate the disturbances due to fire events. Fire events are a complex distubances, which can be described by fire frequency, fire area and severity.

To understand the effect of fire on vegetation dynamics and vegetation structure, we developed the forest fire module ForFire, which is a combination of the ideas of wellestablished fire models (Gardner et al. 1999 Keane et al. 2004 Thonicke et al. 2001). External inputs to the ForFire module are the mean fire frequency per hectare and year (\lambda in [years]), the mean fire size related to the investigated forest area (\beta in [\%]) and the mean fire severity (s_{fire} [0-1]). Fire events are implemented on the patch level, i.e. the smallest possible fire size has the size of one patch (A_{patch}), the biggest are considered are all patches of the simulation area.

  • fire events: We implemented fire events in the following way: in every year a random number determines the number of fire events within this year. This fire frequency is poisson distributed (Green 1989) with \lambda as mean time between fire events. If a fire event occurs, the fire centre is chosen randomly within the simulated forest area. The fire size (equal to the number of burned patches) is described by an exponential distribution \beta as mean size of the fire area related to the whole simulated forest area (Green 1989). The fire spread is modelled randomly: (i.) going from the fire centre every neighboring patch is burned, (ii.) a randomly burned patch is chosen and (iii.) again every neighboring patch is burned. This procedure is repeated until the number of the burned patches is equal to the specified fire size.

fire event Figure 11: Visualization of two randomly chosen fire events. The simulated area is nine hectare. The grey level indicates the amount of standing biomass. The red colour shows the fire spread.

  • fire tolerance of trees: According to the fire tolerance of a tree species, not every tree is burning and dying in the fire area. The probability for tree burning depends on fire tolerance of the species, on the stem diameter (D [cm]) as a proxy of tree age and on the fire severity (Busing & Solomon 2006). We distinguish between four fire tolerance levels for tree species. Tree species of level 1 are dying in a fire, independent of stem diameter or fire severity. Tree species with a fire tolerance up to level 4 have an increasing fire-resistance. The burning probability for every tree is calculated as follows depending on the fire tolerance of the tree species (Busing & Solomon 2006): \begin{align} P_{F1} &= 1 \\ P_{F2} &= e^{((-(1-s_{fire}) \cdot 0.00202)-0.00053) \cdot D} \\ P_{F3} &= e^{((-(1-s_{fire}) \cdot 0.02745)-0.00255) \cdot D} \\ P_{F4} &= e^{-0.00053 \cdot D} - 0.5 - (1 - s_{fire}) \cdot 0.5 \end{align} where s_{fire} (value between 0-1) is an indicator for the severity and the type of the fire (see figure below) and D is the stem diameter.

fire tolerance Figure 12: Probability for tree dying after a fire event depending on stem diameter (D) and fire tolerance group. Left: probability of dying after a weak fire event (s_{fire} = 0.2). Right: probability of dying after a strong fire event (s_{fire} = 0.7).


In montane forests shallow landslides can constitute a recurring natural disturbance. Disturbance by landslides differs from disturbances by falling trees or logging in the sense that all vegetation, as well as upper soil layers and seed bank are removed from the disturbed patch. Forest regeneration on landslide surfaces therefore underlies particular environmental conditions. For instance, solar radiation on recent landslide sites is high and nutrient levels of landslide soils are low (Wilcke et al. 2003). Due to this changed environmental conditions, establishment rates of trees as well as tree mortality and tree growth rates might deviate from the basic type-specific rates.

To study potential effects of landslide disturbances on the forest carbon cycle and species composition, we implemented landslides as a particular type of disturbance into the FORMIND 3.0 model. External inputs to the landslide module are the landslide frequency per hectare and year (slidefreq) and the distribution of landslide sizes. Landslide disturbance is implemented on the patch level, i.e. the smallest possible landslide has the size of one patch A_{patch} (i.e. 20 m x 20 m) and the biggest landslides considered are for example 25 patches (1 hectare).

We implemented landslides in the following way: for each hectare and in every year a randomly drawn number determines whether a landslide occurs (probability f_{land}). Since the annual frequency on a per hectare basis will usually be small, we do not account for multiple landslides on one hectare in the same year. The size of the landslide is drawn from a size distribution (s) of landslides, rounded for the patch size A_{patch}. The starting location of the landslide is a random patch and the directionality of landslides is always the same. Neighbouring patches of the starting location are affected until the slide reaches the predetermined size. All trees in landslide affected patches die and are removed from the patch. Since recruiting trees in FORMIND 3.0 have a stem diameter of D_{min} [cm] at breast height, there is a time lag (t_{lag}) between the landslide event and the occurrence of the first trees on the slide surface. Based on the potential growth of trees this time lag can be estimated for the different tree types. Forest recovery then proceeds according to one of the following scenarios: undisturbed regrowth, reduced growth, reduced recruitment, increased mortality. For the justification of these scenarios, see Dislich & Huth 2012.

  • Undisturbed regrowth: All type-specific parameters stay unchanged. This situation considers increased light levels after the landslide disturbance but neglects additional environmental changes.

All other scenarios describe a temporal change in type-specific traits. The underlying assumption is that the strongest change in traits occurs immediately after the landslide and traits come back to their normal level, as forest recovery proceeds after the disturbance. The parameter r_{land} represents the assumed change in tree species attributes after landslide occurrence.

  • Reduced growth: FORMIND 3.0 calculates tree growth as biomass increment per year (\Delta B, cf. section F.3). Assuming a simple linear relation between growth reduction and "recovery status" of the disturbed site, which is expressed by the ratio of accumulated dead biomass (B_{dead}) to the minimum biomass in a mature patch (B_{mat}), the reduced biomass increment (\Delta B_{red}) is calculated via: \begin{align} \Delta B_{red}(B_{dead}) &= \left( r_{land} \cdot \frac{B_{dead}}{B_{mat}} + (1 - r_{land}) \right) \cdot \Delta B \end{align}

  • Reduced recruitment: The type-specific recruitment rate per hectare and year (N_{seed}, cf. section C) might be changed due to landslide disturbances. Like in the reduced growth scenario, we assume a linear relationship between the amount of recruitment reduction and recovery status of the patch, now expressed by the ratio of established biomass in the recovering patch (B_{pat}) to the minimum biomass of a mature patch (B_{mat}). Therefore the reduced recruitment rate (N_{red}) is calculated via: \begin{align} N_{red}(B_{dead}) &= \left( r_{land} \cdot \frac{B_{pat}}{B_{mat}} + (1 - r_{land}) \right) \cdot N_{seed} \end{align}

  • Increased mortality: The type-specific mortality rate (M) might change due to landslide disturbance (cf. section D). Again, we assume a linear relationship between the increment in mortality rate and the recovery status of the patch, represented by the ratio of established biomass in the recovering patch (B_{pat}) to the minimum biomass of a mature patch (B_{mat}). Therefore the increased mortality rate (M_{inc}) is calculated as: \begin{align} M_{inc}(B_{pat}) = \left( 1 + \left( r_{land} - r_{land} \cdot \frac{b_{pat}}{B_{mat}} \right) \right) \cdot M \end{align}

The choice of the parameter r_{land} as well as the chosen functional relationship between changed attributes and recovery state of the successional forest is adapted according to site specific knowledge. Exemplary values for the parameters t_{lag}, r_{land} and f_{land}, as well as the slide size distribution, are shown in the tables below.

Table 4: Exemplary values for the time lag parameter t_{lag} (Dislich & Huth 2012).

pioneer species3
mid-successional species5
climax species12

Table 5: Exemplary values for the parameters r_{land} and f_{land} (Dislich & Huth 2012).

r_{land}0.9, 0.5

Table 6: Exemplary slide size distribution s (Dislich & Huth 2012).

Landslide size [m^2]Frequency
\geq 48000

Carbon cycle

Modelling the forest carbon cycle

The calculation of the carbon cycle in FORMIND 3.0 uses a simple compartment approach consisting of the following explicit carbon stocks:

  • living forest stock, which equals the amount of carbon of alive trees
  • deadwood stock S_{\text{dead}}, which equals the amount of carbon of dead trees
  • slow decomposing soil stock S_{\text{slow}}, which accounts for the slow decomposing share of carbon in the deadwood stock
  • fast decomposing soil stock S_{\text{fast}}, which accounts for the fast decomposing share of carbon in the deadwood stock

Alternative Text <div id="figC-circle" />
Schematic visualization of the carbon cycle in FORMIND 3.0. Circles represent explicit carbon stocks and the rectangle indicates the atmosphere. Dotted arrows show carbon released to the atmosphere from the respective stock and block arrows show carbon transitions between the respective explicit carbon stocks.

The dynamics of the living forest stock (i.e. carbon storage in form of growth and carbon releases as respiration) are described earlier in section Growth of a tree. The dynamics of the remaining stocks is described by a set of differential equations:

\begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d} S_{dead}}{\mathrm{d} t} &= S_{\text{mort}} - (t_{S_{\text{dead}}\rightarrow A} + t_{S_{\text{dead}}\rightarrow S_{\text{slow}}} + t_{S_{\text{dead}}\rightarrow S_{\text{fast}}}) \cdot S_{\text{dead}} \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} S_{\text{slow}}}{\mathrm{d} t} &= t_{S_{\text{dead}}\rightarrow S_{\text{slow}}}\cdot S_{\text{dead}}-t_{S_{\text{slow} \rightarrow A}}\cdot S_{\text{slow}} \\ \frac{\mathrm{d} S_{\text{fast}}}{\mathrm{d} t} &= t_{S_{\text{dead}} \rightarrow S_{\text{fast}}}\cdot S_{\text{dead}}-t_{S_{\text{fast} \rightarrow A}}\cdot S_{\text{fast}} \end{align}

where the parameters t_{S_{\text{dead}}\rightarrow A}, t_{S_{\text{slow}}\rightarrow A} and t_{S_{\text{fast}} \rightarrow A} denote transition rates in \tfrac{1}{\text{yr}} of released carbon from the respective soil stocks to the atmosphere. The parameter t_{S_{\text{dead}} \rightarrow S_{\text{slow}}} and t_{S_{\text{dead}} \rightarrow S_{\text{fast}}} represent in turn decomposition rates of deadwood material in \tfrac{1}{\text{yr}}. The variable S_{\text{mort}} \left[\tfrac{\text{t}_\text{C}}{\text{ha}} \right] represents the carbon of all trees dying within the current time step (see section Mortality).

Determining the transition rates

The transition rates depend on how fast microorganisms can decompose the fallen litter or dead trees. For describing the decomposition rates, we use an approach presented earlier by Sato et al. 2007. The annual decomposition rate t_{s_{\text{dead}}} for the deadwood stock is calculated as follows:

\begin{equation} t_{S_{\text{dead}} }=\text{min}\left( 1.0,\frac{10^{-1.4553+0.0014175\cdot AET}}{12} \right) \end{equation}

where AET is considered as the actual evapotranspiration in the previous year in mm. The variable AET is calculated by the sum of interception IN and transpiration TR (cf. section Water cycle and soil water limitation).

The annual decomposition rate t_{s_{\text{dead}} } is modelled as the sum of all transitions rates of the deadwood pool S_{\text{dead}}:

\begin{equation} t_{S_{\text{dead} }}=t_{S_{\text{dead}} \rightarrow A}+t_{S_{\text{dead} } \rightarrow S_{\text{slow}}}+t_{S_{\text{dead}} \rightarrow S_{\text{fast}}} \end{equation}

According to Sato et al. 2007 70 % of the carbon of decomposing deadwood biomass (i.e. litter) is directly released to the atmosphere, while the remaining 30 % are transferred to the slow and fast decomposing soil stocks. In detail, 98.5 % of the remaining carbon is transferred to the fast soil stock and 1.5 % to the slow soil stock. We then calculate the specific transition rates as follows:

\begin{align} t_{S_{\text{dead} }\rightarrow A} &= 0.7\cdot t_{S_{\text{dead}} } \\ t_{S_{\text{dead} }\rightarrow S_{\text{slow}}} &= 0.015\cdot 0.3\cdot t_{S_{\text{dead}} } \\ t_{S_{\text{dead} }\rightarrow S_{\text{fast}}} &= 0.985\cdot 0.3\cdot t_{S_{\text{dead}} } \end{align}

The Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE)

The NEE is the carbon net flux of the forest. We define the NEE \left[ \tfrac{\text{t}_\text{C}}{\text{ha yr}} \right] as follows:

\begin{equation} NEE = C_{GPP}-C_{R}-t_{S_{\text{dead}}\rightarrow A}\cdot S_{\text{dead}}-t_{S_{\text{slow}}\rightarrow A}\cdot S_{\text{slow}}-t_{S_{\text{fast}}\rightarrow A}\cdot S_{\text{fast}} \end{equation}

where $S_\text{dead} \left[ \tfrac{ \text{t}\text{C}}{\text{ha}} \right] denotes the deadwood carbon pool, S{\text{slow}} \left[\tfrac{\text{t}\text{C}}{\text{ha}} \right] and S{\text{fast}} \left[\tfrac{\text{t}\text{C}}{\text{ha}} \right] the soil carbon stock (i.e. slow and fast decomposing), t{x \rightarrow A} \left[ \tfrac{1}{\text{yr}} \right] the corresponding transition rates of released carbon from the respective stock x$ resulting from the microbiological respiration (cf. section Carbon cylcle) and $C_{GPP} \left[\tfrac{\text{t}\text{C}}{\text{ha yr}} \right]$ is the carbon captured in the gross primary productivity of the living forest (cf. section Gross primary production), $C_R \left[\tfrac{\text{t}\text{C}}{\text{ha yr}} \right] is the carbon released by the total respiration of the living forest (i.e. for maintenance and growth). We also assume here that 1 \text{g}$ organic dry matter contains 44 % carbon, which results in:

\begin{align} C_{GPP} &= 0.44\cdot \sum_{\text{all trees}}^{} GPP \\ C_{R} &= 0.44 \cdot \sum_{\text{all trees}}^{} (R_{m}+R_{g}\cdot (GPP-R_{m})) \end{align}

If the NEE is positive (i.e. NEE > 0 ), the forest is considered to be a carbon sink. If the NEE is negative (i.e. NEE < 0), the forest is considered to be a carbon source.


Commercial trees are logged on selected areas. Trees with specific attributes are removed from the forest plot. At the same time, surrounding trees are damaged based on the chosen logging strategy, logging intensity, logging cycle, cutting limits and resulting damage Huth et al. 2005.

Logging strategy

The two logging strategies that are provided in FORMIND, arise from different commercial and economical interests. The two strategies differ in the falling direction of a logged tree:
The reduced impact logging (RIL) takes into account a substantial planning of the logging scenario. This scenario is implemented into FORMIND by defining the falling direction of a tree towards the biggest gap. Thereby, the falling tree causes a reduced amount of damage to surrounding trees. The conventional logging (CON) takes into account the usage of heavy machinery, unskilled workers and low to no planing strategies. This is implemented into FORMIND by a random falling direction of logged trees. The random direction causes the possibility of higher damage to surrounding trees.

Logging intensity

The logging intensity is defined by the minimum number of trees harvested within the forest plot L_\text{N min} \, [\text{-}] and the maximum number of trees L_\text{N max} \, [\text{-}].

Logging cycle

The first logging scenario is defined as L_\text{start} \, [\text{y}]. The logging cycle is the time between logging events L_\text{C} \, [\text{y}].

Cutting limit

Commercial trees are are only logged if their stem diameter D\, [\text{m}] exceed a minimum stem diameter L_\text{D min} \, [\text{m}].

logging intensity

Logging intensity is defined as the number of remaining commercial trees in the forest after the logging event L_\text{remain} \, [\text{-}].


The induced damage to surrounding trees depends on the stem diameter D\, [\text{m}] of the logged tree - bigger trees cause more damage to surrounding trees than smaller trees. Therefore, a percental damange L_\text{damage} \, [\text{-}] is defined for four different diameter classes L_\text{dbhClass} \, [\text{-}].

Lidar simulation

FORMIND allows the simulation of a Lidar scan of the forest stand at each time step (Knapp et al. 2018). The Lidar simulator generates point clouds of discrete returns as they are usually produced by small-footprint Lidar systems.

Entities, state variables and scales

The basic entities in the model are trees, Lidar pulses and Lidar returns. Trees are characterized by their position (X- and Y-coordinate), height, crown length, crown radius and crown shape (spheroid, cone or cylinder). Modeled Lidar pulses are all perfectly vertical with regular spacing between them. Thus a Lidar pulse is only characterized by its X- and Y-coordinate. Lidar returns are points in 3 dimensional space, characterized by their X-, Y- and Z-coordinate. The model works in a 3D space represented by an array of cubic voxels of a certain side length. The resolution is determined by the voxel side length, which can be chosen according to the desired spacing of Lidar pulses, as each pulse is simply represented by one vertical column of voxels.

Process overview and scheduling

In the model at first a voxel representation of the entire forest is created. This means the value of each voxel in the 3D array that falls into a tree crown or trunk of any given tree in the input list is set to one (tree voxel). All other voxels, representing free space that is not occupied by trees get the value zero, except for the forest floor (Z = 0), where each voxel gets the value one. Whether a voxel becomes a tree voxel or not depends on the tree parameters position, height, crown dimensions and shape. Precise tree positions within each 20 m x 20 m patch are assigned randomly but consistent with other FORMIND outputs, e.g. the stand visualization file. The voxel forest is hereafter scanned with a virtual Lidar. Each vertical column of voxels is considered one Lidar pulse, which can cause multiple returns. The returns are collected for each X-Y-coordinate-combination in the array.

Design concepts

The Lidar simulation follows a probabilistic approach. Instead of explicitly simulating the branches and foliage and their interaction with laser beams within the tree crowns, the model assumes that the tree crown space is a homogeneous, turbid medium. The probability to get a Lidar return from a certain point decreases with increasing distance that the laser beam has to travel through the medium before reaching that point. This is analogous to the light-extinction law after Lambert-Beer, which is also used for the light climate simulation. The only difference is that the classical Lambert-Beer equation serves to calculate remaining light intensity depending on distance, while in the discrete Lidar case the same equation is used to calculate probability P_\text{Lid} for a discrete return here.

\begin{equation} P_{Lid}(d_{Lid}) = P_{0, Lid} \cdot e^{-k_{Lid} \cdot d_{Lid}} \end{equation}

Returns can only exist in tree and ground voxels. Distance d_\text{Lid} that the beam has to travel through crown space before reaching a focal voxel is quantified from the count of tree voxels above the focal voxel in the same array column. P_{0, Lid} represents the probability to get a return from the very upper voxel, where the laser beam hits the surface (tree or ground) for the first time. The parameter k_{Lid} is the exponential extinction coefficient, which determines how fast the return probability decreases after entering the crown space. The final decision for each voxel whether it will contain a return or not is taken stochastically, based on the calculated return probability. Model outputs are tables that contain the coordinates of all tree voxels and all Lidar returns. Parameters P_{0, Lid} and k_{Lid} can be set independently for vegetation (P_{0, Lid, V}, k_{Lid, V}) and ground (P_{0, Lid, G}, k_{Lid, G}) voxels to adapt to the different reflectance of the forest floor. Further parameters to run the FORMIND Lidar simulator are the pulse spacing s_{Lid} and the time interval between successive scans t_{Lid}. The Lidar simulation works with periodic boundaries, meaning that tree crowns protruding the limits of the simulated area on one side reappear on the opposite side.

Lidar simulator
Figure: Schematic visualization of the Lidar model. On the left side a forest stand of 1 ha is shown. In the center you see a voxel representation of the stand with colors indicating Lidar return probability from high (red) to low (blue) for each voxel. On the right side the final simulated point cloud is shown with colors indicating height above ground from 0 m (blue) to 40 m (orange).

Input parameters and variables

The following parameters are not properly named and will be renamed

Old nameNew name

Table 7: Parameters of the simulation.

General Input Parameters of Simulation
SymbolDescriptionUnitSource Code Variable
A_{\text{area}}side length of simulated area\text{m}switches.sideLengthOfSimulationArea
A_{\text{patch}}patch area\text{m}^{2}
n_{\text{patches}}number of patches per simulation area-
t_{y}length of simulation\text{yr}timeEnd
Δttime step\text{yr}timeStep
number of species groups (PFTs)-par.pftCount
Geometric Input Parameters
SymbolDescriptionUnitSource Code Variable
mathematical form of the allometric relationships-par.allometricRelationships
h_{0}, h_{1}, h_{2}coefficients of height-stem diameter relationship-par.heightFromDbhParams
c_{l0}, c_{l1}, c_{l2}coefficients of crown-length-height relationship-par.crownLengthFactorFromHeightParams
c_{d0}, c_{d1}, c_{d2}, c_{d3}coefficients of crown-diameter-stem-diameter relationship-par.crownDiameterFromDbhParams
ρwood density\frac{\text{t}_{\text{ODM}}}{\text{m}^3}par.woodDensities
σratio of total aboveground biomass to stem biomass-par.stemBiomassFractionParams
fform factor-
f_{0}, f_{1}, f_{2}coefficients of form-factor-stem-diameter relationship-par.formFactorFromDbhParams
b_{0}, b_{1}, b_{2}coefficients of biomass-stem-diameter relationship-par.biomassFromDbhParams
l_{0}, l_{1}LAI-stem-diameter relationship-par.laiFromDbhParams
D_{\text{max}}maximal stem diameter\text{m}par.maxPlantSizes
H_{\text{max}}maximal height\text{m}par.maxPlantSizes
B_{\text{max}}maximal aboveground biomass\text{t}_{\text{ODM}}
Recruitment and Establishment Input Parameter
SymbolDescriptionUnitSource Code Variable
N_{\text{seed}}global in-growth rate of seeds\frac{1}{\text{ha yr}}par.externalSeedInfluxPerHectare
N_{\text{init}}initial seed number in seed pool\frac{1}{\text{patch}}
D_{\text{rep}}minimum stem diameter of a seed producing mother tree\text{m}par.minSeedProductionDbhs
f_{\text{disp}}dispersal kernel-par.dispersalKernelFunctions
dist_{\text{mean}}average dispersal distance\text{m}par.seedDispersalAverageDistance
dist_{\text{max}}maximum dispersal distance\text{m}par.seedDispersalMaxDistance
σratio of total aboveground biomass to stem biomass-
I_{\text{seed}}percentage of incoming radiation at floor required for germination%par.minEstablishmentIrradianceFraction
M_{\text{pool}}mortality rate of seeds in the seed pool\frac{1}{\text{yr}}par.seedPoolMortalityRates
max_{\text{dens}}maximal number of germinating seedlings\frac{1}{\text{patch}}par.maxSeedlingsPerPatch
D_{\text{min}}initial stem diameter of a germinated seedling\text{m}par.seedlingDbh
Mortality Input Parameters
SymbolDescriptionUnitSource Code Variable
mathematical form of death rate computationpar.mortalityFunction
M_{B}base / background mortality rate\frac{1}{\text{yr}}par.backgroundMortalityParams
m_{d0}, m_{d1}mortality rate dependent on stem diameter-par.mortalityFromDbhParams
m_{i0}, m_{i1}, m_{i2}mortality rate dependent on stem diameter increment-par.mortalityFromDbhIncrementParams
f_{\text{fall}}probability for a dead tree to fall-par.treeFallProbability
Light Climate and Photosynthesis Input Parameters and Variables
SymbolDescriptionUnitSource Code Variable
Δhwidth of layers of aboveground vertical space discretization in a patch\text{m}
n_{\text{layer}}number of layer of aboveground vertical space discretization-
I_{0}incoming irradiance on top of canopy\frac{\mu\text{mol}_{\text{photon}}}{\text{m}^2 s}
klight extinction coefficient-par.lightExtinctionCoefficients
αinitial slope of light response curve$\frac{\mu\text{mol}_{\text{CO}2}}{\mu\text{mol}{\text{photon}}}$par.initialLightResponseSlope
p_{\text{max}}maximal leaf gross photosynthetic rate\frac{\mu\text{mol}_{\text{CO}_2}}{\text{m}^2 \text{s}}par.maxGrossLeafPhotosynthesisRate
mtransmission coefficient-par.lightTransmissionCoefficient
l_{\text{day}}day length\text{h}par.dayLength
φ_{\text{ODM}}conversion factor$\frac{\text{t}{\text{ODM}}}{\mu\text{mol}{\text{CO}_2}}$
Water Module Input Parameter and Variables
SymbolDescriptionUnitSource Code Variable
K_{L}interception constant\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}}par.Water_KL
PORsoil porosity\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}}par.Water_POR
K_{s}fully saturated conductivity\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}}par.Water_KS
Θ_{\text{res}}residual soil water content\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}}par.Water_SW_RES
λpore size distribution index-par.Water_L
PETpotential evapotranspiration\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}}
Θ_{soil}^{init}initial soil water content at start of simulationV%par.InitSoilWaterContent
Θ_{pwp}permanent wilting pointV%par.Water_PWP
Θ_{fc}field capacityV%par.Water_FC
Θ_{msw}minimum soil water contentV%msw
Temperature Input Parameter and Variables
SymbolDescriptionUnitSource Code Variable
Tair temperature^\circ\text{C}
nnumber of days per time step \Delta t-
T_{\text{crit}}critical temperature for bud-burst^\circ\text{C}
k_{0}, k_{1}, k_{2}parameter of inhibition factors-
$T_{\text{CO}2, l}, T{\text{CO}_2, h}$temperature limits of \text{CO}_2 assimilation^\circ\text{C}
T_{\text{hot}}, T_{\text{cold}}monthly mean temperature of warmest and coldest month an individual can cope with^\circ\text{C}par.Temperature_month_hot, par.Temperature_month_cold
T_{\text{ref}}reference temperature^\circ\text{C}par.Temperature_reference
Q_{10}base of Q_{10} function-
Respiration Input Parameter and Variables
SymbolDescriptionUnitSource Code Variable
R_{g}growth respiration factor-par.growthRespirationFraction
g(D)maximal stem diameter increment (growth) function-
a_{0}, a_{1}, a_{2}, a_{3}coefficients of the growth function g(D)-
x_{i}, i = 1, ..., 8auxiliary variables-
ΔD_{\text{max}}maximal measured stem diameter increment\frac{\text{m}}{\text{yr}}
D_{ΔD_{\text{max}}}stem diameter at which maximal increment is measuredproportion of D_{\text{max}}
ΔD_{D_{\text{max}}}max. measured stem diameter increment for diameter D_{\text{min}}proportion of ΔD_{\text{max}}
ΔD_{D_{\text{max}}}max. measured stem diameter increment for diameter D_{\text{max}}proportion of ΔD_{\text{max}}
mean irradiance in simple climate (wet and dry)par.meanIrradiance
\check{I}_{\text{ind}}reference for advanced irradiance\frac{\mu \text{mol}_{\text{photon}}}{\text{m}^2 \text{s}}par.referenceIrradiance
\check{\varphi}_{\text{act}}reference vegetation period of parameterization climate\text{d}
\check{\varphi}_Treference temperature limitation factor of photosynthesis of parameterization climate-
Lidar Input Parameter and Variables
SymbolDescriptionUnitSource Code Variable
P_{0,\text{Lid}, \text{V}}surface return probability for vegetation voxels-par.VegetationSurfaceReturnProbability
k_{\text{Lid}, \text{V}}Lidar extinction coefficient for vegetation voxels-par.VegetationExtinctionCoef
P_{0,\text{Lid}, \text{G}}surface return probability for ground voxels-par.GroundSurfaceReturnProbability
k_{\text{Lid}, \text{G}}Lidar extinction coefficient for ground voxels-
s_{\text{Lid}}spacing between Lidar pulses\text{m}par.PulseDistance
t_{\text{Lid}}time interval between Lidar scans\text{yr}par.LidarOutputStart, par.LidarOutputStep

Table 8: Parameters that are not listed in the handbook yet and a probable clustering

NameTypeUnitDescriptionParameter File
Model Structure
ProjectNamestringproject name shown in GUIArgentina
Carbon Dynamics
par.CPool_DeadWoodfloattInitial carbon content in the deadwood carbon poolgeneralAmazonianForest_3pft
par.CPool_Soil_fastfloattInitial carbon content in the fast decomposing soil carbon poolgeneralAmazonianForest_3pft
par.CPool_Soil_slowfloattInitial carbon content in the slow decomposing soil carbon poolgeneralAmazonianForest_3pft
par.Cflux_aetfloatmmMean actual evapotranspiration (AET)Argentina
Plant Growth and Physiology
par.CrownGeometryarrayGeometrical shape of the plant crown: 1=spheroid (ellipsoid), 2=conical, 3=cylindricalgeneralAmazonianForest_3pft
par.HeightExpLambdafloatForestFactorylamdba in exponential distributionvirtual
par.HMaxfloatForestFactorymaxmimum height of treesgeneralAmazonianForest_3pft
par.HMinfloatForestFactoryminimum height of treesgeneralAmazonianForest_3pft
par.InitialGreenFractionfloatInitial fraction of green biomass on the grassland measuredGarske
par.wrongLaiCalculationEnabledintswitches for activating old LAI calculationArgentina
par.distributedTraitsarrayDesciption of which traits are distributedSpecies
par.leafLifeSpansarraydaysleaf life span (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.lengthOfReferenceVegetationPeriodarrayFraction of the total year (365 days) which have been considered as the active vegetation period in the reference year(s)Agostinho
par.maintenanceRespirationPerBiomassFunctionintFunction of maintenance respiration calculationAgostinho
par.maintenanceRespirationPerBiomassParamsarrayMaintainance losses (maintainance respiration & organ renewal & root growth) for different grpAgostinho
par.maintenanceRespirationRatefloatperMaintenance respiration rateSpeciesMono
par.maturityAgesarrayyearsMinimum age of mother plants for producing seeds (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.negativeGrowthEnabledintWhether trees shall shrink if the NPP is negativeHohesHolz_10Species
par.negativeNppBufferEnabledintFlag for activating a limitation factor of gross primary productivity as used in older Formind versionsAgostinho
par.nppAllocationsToPlantExudationarrayNPP allocation of a single plant to exudation (group-specific)GCEF_EM_amb_plotmean
par.nppAllocationsToPlantGrowtharrayNPP allocation of a single plant to shoot (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.plantCohortsEnabledintswitches for activating the cohort approach (default is 1 true, 0 means every cohort is one single plant)paracouForest_controlPlots_9pft
par.treeRootBiomassFromStemBiomassFactorfloatLinear relationship of root biomass to stem biomassCore_8pft
par.sizeDependentMortalityEnabledintFlag for activating background mortalityArgentina
par.lifespanarrayyearsplant life span (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.treeFallEnabledintFlag for deactivating falling of dying treesArgentina
Seeds, Reproduction
par.seedDispersalKernelLocationParamsarraymMean distance of mother trees for dispersing seeds (group-specific)Core_6pft_seedtree_multiple
par.seedDispersalKernelShapeParamsarraymMaximum distance of mother trees for dispersing seeds (group-specific)Agostinho
par.seedGerminationRatesarrayperGermination rate of seeds (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.seedGerminationTimesarraydaysTime to emergence of seeds since sowing (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.seedInflowPredationEnabledintswitches for density-dependent seed mortalityAgostinho
par.seedMassesarraytBiomass of seed (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.seedPoolPredationEnabledintswitches for activating the mother plant and seed density dependent seed predation mortalityAgostinho
par.seedPredationEnabledintswitches for activating the mother plant and seed density dependent seed predation mortalityAgostinho
par.seedPredatorEfficiencyarraymSeed predator attack efficiencyAgostinho
par.seedPredatorHandlingTimearraymSeed predator handling timeAgostinho
par.seedPredatorNumberarraymTotal seed predator number in the vicinity of each plantAgostinho
par.seedPulseEnabledintFlag for activating pulsed ingrowth of accumulated seedsArgentina
par.seedSurvivalProbabilitiesarrayperSurvival rate of seeds (group-specific)Agostinho
par.seedlingHeightfloatmHeight of established seedlingsSpeciesMono
par.seedlingIngrowthLimitEnabledintFlag for activating the density regulation of establishing seedlingsArgentina
par.seedlingMortalityDensityDependenceEnabledintswitches for activating density-dependent seedling mortalityCore_6pft_seedtree_multiple
par.seedsPerMotherTreearrayNumber of seeds which a mother plant is able to produce per time step (group-specific)Agostinho
par.shootRootRatioarrayParameters of shoot-root relationship (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.dayOfSeedInfluxStartfloatStarting time of ingrowth of global seeds from outsideSpeciesMono
par.dispersalByAnimalIndicatorsarrayPFTs which have animal dispersed seeds. These do not throw seeds at the matrix (non forest area).Agostinho
par.individualSeedProductionEnabledintFlag for activating seed ingrowth by simulated mother treesArgentina
par.Light_Comp_FactorfloatLight competition factor for grassmindEnabled, reduces LAI over the plantSpecies
par.lightLimitationEnabledintFlag for activating light competitionGCEFext
par.radiativeTransferModelEnabledintSwitch for Radiative transfer ModelHohesHolz_10Species
Soil and Water Processes
par.Soil_FilearrayName of soil file(s) of all patchesSpeciesMono
par.Water_KLfloatmmInterception constantAgostinho
par.Water_LfloatPore size distribution indexAgostinho
par.Water_LayerDepthfloatmConstant width of soil layersAgostinho
par.Water_MSWarraygMinimum soil water content for maximum uptake, relative to range between PWP and FC (group-specific)GCEFext
par.Water_RainfallDurationfloathoursHours of rainfall per dayAgostinho
par.Water_SDfloatmSoil depthAgostinho
par.Water_SoilLayerintNumber of different soil layersAgostinho
par.Water_WUEarraygWater-use-efficiency-coefficient (group-specific)Agostinho
Climate and Environmental Factors
par.CO2_dependency_function_simplearraypolynom(a + bx + cx2 + dx3) for co2 dependency of the photosynthesisCore_8pft
par.CO2_reference_temperaturefloatreference temperatureCore_8pft
par.Temperature_Q10floattemperatureBase of the temperature effect (Q10-function) affecting the maintenance respiration of a plantAgostinho
par.Temperature_minfloattemperatureMinimum temperature for calculating the length of the vegetation period of a plantAgostinho
par.Temperature_month_coldarraytemperatureMean temperature of the coldest month the numSpecies group is able to occur (group-specific)Agostinho
par.Temperature_month_hotarraytemperatureMean temperature of the warmest month the numSpecies group is able to occur (group-specific)Agostinho
par.Temperature_optfloattemperatureOptimal temperature for maximum gross photosynthesis of a plant (i.e. mean of the normal distribution)Agostinho
par.Temperature_sigfloattemperatureStandard deviation of the normal distribution affecting maximum gross photosynthesis of a plant when temperature deviates from its optimumAgostinho
par.climateFilePathstringFile name and relative path (to the *.exe) of daily climate data for radiance, air temperature, day-length and potential evapotranspirationAgostinho
par.climateModulesEnabledarrayFlag for activating the advanced climate (Soil water module; Temperature effects; daily changing radiance; daily changing day-length; vegetation period)Agostinho
par.wetSeasonLengthintdayabsolute length of wet seasonArgentina
par.referenceCo2Concentrationfloatreference CO2 concentrationCore_8pft
par.referenceEnvironmentalGppReductionarrayTree gross photosynthesis reduction due to temperature effects and soil water deficit effect of the reference year(s)Agostinho
par.referenceStomataCo2Concentrationfloatstomata CO2 concentrationCore_8pft
Reproduction and Dispersal
par.externalSeedInfluxEnabledintFlag for using global seed ingrowth from outside a hectareArgentina
par.invasionEnabledarray0Please indicate which numSpecies group is the invasive bamboo numSpecies (set to 1)Argentina_Bamboo
par.invasionTimeintyrsPlease set the point in time for invasionArgentina_Bamboo
par.randomGeneratorSeedDisabledintFlag for activating stochasticity (0: reproducible / 1: NOT reproducible)Argentina
par.reducedSeedProductionAtEdgeEnabledintFlag for activating reduced seed ingrowth by simulated mother treesArgentina
par.viewZenithAnglearraygradangle of the place of the observer in zenith directionHohesHolz_10Species
par.LargeFootprintDiameterfloatmetersDiameter (m) of large lidar footprintsgeneralAmazonianForest_3pft
par.LargeFootprintEnergySDfloatmetersStandard deviation (m) of gaussian horizontal energy distribution within large lidar footprints (recommendation 0.5 times radius)generalAmazonianForest_3pft
par.fireFrequencyfloatyearMean time between two occurring fire eventsCore_8pft
par.fireModeintChoose from different modes in which the fire module runsvirtualAmazon_3pft
par.fireModuleEnabledintFlag for activating the fire submoduleArgentina
par.fireSeverityfloatSeverity of a fire event (0.1 = low; 1.0 = strong)Core_8pft
par.fireStartYearfloatyearYear for first potential fire eventvirtualAmazon_3pft
par.fireToleranceClassarrayfireModuleEnabled tolerance = probability for death (1: no tolerance ... 4: tolerant against fire) (group-specific)Core_8pft
par.relativeFireSizefloatpercentMean fire size (as relative area of total simulation area)Core_8pft
par.lianaIndicatorsarraylianaModuleEnabled (group-specific) (0: is plant; 1: is liana)paracouForest_controlPlots_9pft
par.lianaModuleEnabledintswitches for activating the liana submoduleparacouForest_controlPlots_9pft
par.preInitializationEnabledintFlag for activating pre-initialization of light climate and space conditionsArgentina
par.individualSpeciesIdEnabledintFlag for activating numSpecies number for each plantCore_8pft
par.treeListOutputStartTimefloatyearsTime for first generation of plant list output (res-file containing each plant with position and cohort-file containing each cohort)fertile_soil_8pft
par.treeListOutputTimeStepfloatyearsTime interval between generation of plant list outputs (res-file containing each plant with position and cohort-file containing each cohort)fertile_soil_8pft
par.regenerationOnlyInForestEnabledintSwitch to allow regeneration only inside the forest when starting with inv file.HohesHolz_10Species
par.relAzimuthAnglearraygradthe absolute difference between the azimuth angles of the observer and the sun: abs(SunAzimuth-SensorAzimuth-180)HohesHolz_10Species
par.rhizobiaExchangeRateCToNfloatexchange rate of C amounts to rhizobia to get N amountsGCEF_EM_amb_plotmean
par.rootDepthParamsarrayParameters of shoot biomass - rooting depth relationship (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.rootLifeSpansarraydaysroot life span (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.rtmLeafParametersarray1Leaf parameters of the radiative transfer model group-specific 1: Cab Chlorophyll a+b content,HohesHolz_10Species
par.rtmSoilWetnessfloatdegreeUse reflection Profile for: 0 drySoil - 1 wetSoilHohesHolz_10Species
par.smallTreeDbhIncrementAsFractionOfMaxarrayRealized increment of stem diameter for smallest plant relative to the maximum increment (group-specific)Core_8pft
par.smallTreeDbhThresholdForDbhIncrementarraymStem diameter at which yearly increment of stem diameter (group-specific) is calculated by defined function (Growth_Function_Switch)paracouForest_controlPlots_9pft_DBH1cm
par.smallTreeSpaceUsageCapacityfloatReduces stem number when plant crown area > SpaceLimitation_Factor (Standard: 1 = 100%) for all trees with DBH <= alteredSpaceLimitationDbhThresholdparacouForest_controlPlots_9pft_DBH1cm
par.specificRootLengtharraySpecific root length (group-specific)SpeciesMono
par.splineApproximationStepfloatmMinimal possible diameter increment step of trees (only required for lookup approach for asymptotic diameter-height curve)gifu
par.sunZenithAnglearraygradangle of the place of the sun in zenith directionHohesHolz_10Species
par.symbioticNitrogenFixationFractionarrayfraction of symbiotic nitrogen fixation (group-specific)GCEF_EM_amb_plotmean
par.temperatureReductionFunctionstringType of temperature effect used for reducing gross photosynthesis of a plantAgostinho
par.traitDistributionEnabledintFlag for activating trait distributionsSpecies
par.traitDistributionParsarrayMean [0] and sd [1] min [2] and max [3]of the traits adressed in distributedTraitsSpecies

State variables

Table 16: Geometrical state variables.

DStem diameter at breast height\text{m}
C_{D}Crown diameter\text{m}
C_{L}Crown length\text{m}
C_{A}Crown projection area\text{m}^2
BAboveground biomasst_{\text{ODM}}
LAILeaf area index-
\Delta BBiomass increment per time stept_{\text{ODM}}
\Delta DDiameter increment per time step\text{m}

Table 17: Recruitment and establishment state variables.

N_{\text{pool}}Seed pool (i.e number of seeds)\tfrac{1}{\text{patch}}
N_{\text{germ}}Number of successfully germinated seeds\tfrac{1}{\text{patch}}
N_{\text{est}}Number of successfully established seedlings\tfrac{1}{\text{patch}}
x_{\text{ind}}, y_{\text{ind}}Random position of a mother tree on a patch-
x_{\text{seed}}, y_{\text{seed}}Position of a dispersed seed-
I_{\text{floor}}Percentage of incoming irradiance at floor\%

Table 18: Mortality state variables.

M_{D}Mortality rate dependent on stem diameter\tfrac{1}{\text{yr}}
M_{I}Mortality rate dependent on stem diameter increment\tfrac{1}{\text{yr}}
MMortality rate affecting individuals each time step\tfrac{1}{\text{yr}}
m_{\text{frag}}Factor changing the mortality rate M due to fragmentation-
CCA_{i}, i = 1, ..., \#_{\text{layer}}Cumulative crown area per height layer-
l_{\text{min}}, l_{\text{max}}Lower and upper height layer covered by the crown of a single individual-
R_{c}Individual crowding reduction factor-
N_{C}Number of individuals dying due to crowding\tfrac{1}{\text{cohort}}
N_{Y}Number of individuals dying due to mortality per time step\tfrac{1}{\text{cohort}}
NNumber of alive individuals\tfrac{1}{\text{cohort}}
\Delta _{rM}Auxillary variable-
N_{F}Number of individuals affected by a falling tree-

Table 19: Light climate and growth state variables.

\overline{L_i}Individual leaf area contribution to height layer i\text{m}^2
\widehat{L_i}Patch-based leaf area index-
I_{\text{ind}}Incoming irradiance on top of an individual\tfrac{\mu\text{mol}_{\text{photon}}}{{\text{m}^2}\text{s}}
I_{\text{leaf}}Incoming irradiance on top of the leaf surface (absorbable radiation)\tfrac{\mu\text{mol}_{\text{photon}}}{{\text{m}^2}\text{s}}
P_{\text{ind}}Gross photosynthetic rate of an individual\tfrac{\mu\text{mol}_{\text{CO}_2}}{\text{yr}}
P_{\text{leaf}}Gross photosynthetic rate of a single leaf\tfrac{\mu\text{mol}_{\text{CO}_2}}{\text{m}^2\text{s}}
GPPGross productivity of an individual (possibly reduced)\tfrac{t_{\text{ODM}}}{\text{yr}}
R_{m}Maintenance respiration\tfrac{t_{\text{ODM}}}{\text{yr}}
r_{m}Maintenance respiration rate\tfrac{1}{\text{yr}}

Table 20: Water module state variables.

\Theta_{\text{soil}}Soil water content\tfrac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}}
RO_{\rightarrow}Surface run-off\tfrac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}}
RO_{\downarrow}Sub-surface run-off\tfrac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}}
\phi_{W}Reduction factor of GPP due to limited soil water-

Table 21: Temperature state variables.

\phi_{\text{act}}Length of vegetation period\text{d}
\phi_{T}Limitation factor of GPP by temperature-
\phi_{T,l}, \phi_{T,h}Inhibition factors for low and high temperatures-
\kappa_{T}Factor affecting maintenance respiration rate r_{M} by temperature-

Table 22: Carbon cycle state variables.

S_{\text{dead}}Carbon stock of deadwood\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
S_{\text{slow}}Carbon amount of slow decomposing soil stock\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
S_{\text{fast}}Carbon amount of fast decomposing soil stock\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
S_{\text{mort}}Carbon amount of individuals dying within the current time step\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
t_{S_{\text{dead}}\rightarrow A}Transition rate of carbon from deadwood stock S_{\text{dead}} to atmosphere A\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
t_{S_{\text{slow}}\rightarrow A}Transition rate of carbon from slow decomposing soil stock S_{\text{dead}} to atmosphere A\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
t_{S_{\text{fast}}\rightarrow A}Transition rate of carbon from fast decomposing soil stock S_{\text{dead}} to atmosphere A\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
t_{S_{\text{dead}}\rightarrow}Transition rate of carbon from deadwood stock S_{\text{dead}} to soil\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
t_{S_{\text{dead}}}\rightarrow S_{\text{slow}}Transition rate of carbon from deadwood stock S_{\text{dead}} to slow decomposing soil stock S_{\text{slow}}\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
t_{S_{\text{dead}}}\rightarrow S_{\text{fast}}Transition rate of carbon from deadwood stock S_{\text{dead}} to fast decomposing soil stock S_{\text{fast}}\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
NEENet ecosystem exchange\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
C_{GPP}Carbon amount of gross productivity per patch\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}
C_{R}Carbon amount released by total respiration per patch\tfrac{t_C}{\text{patch}}

Table 23: Disturbances (fire, landslide) state variables.

N_{D}Number of individuals dying due to disturbances\tfrac{1}{\text{cohort}}
P_{F_1}, P_{F_2}, P_{F_3}, P_{F_4}Burning probabilities for the 4 fire tolerance levels-

Table 24: Lidar state variables.

d_{\text{Lid}}Number of vegetation voxels above a focal voxel, corresponds to distance that the laser beam traveled within tree canopy space\text{m}
P_{\text{Lid}}Probability of a voxel to contain a Lidar return-

Process order

This file has a copy in the formind/doc/ such that an outdated handbook can be updated easier. The ordering in the Step() function in the <for_formind.cpp>:

  • runInitialProcesses()
  • runIntermediateProcesses() (if (!par.preInitializationEnabled))
  • runFinalProcesses()

The code is provided and the concepts of the main functionality.


1. resetOutputForTimeStep()

Puts some output variables to zero. (e.g. output.DEATH)

2. initEnvironmentForTimestep()

Checks activated modules and prepares the required structure of the variables environemnt (e.g. sets the required patch.lengthOfVegetationPeriod for environment.isAdvancedClimateActivated())

3. forSeed.doEstablishment()

Does the seeds. Runs using DeterminePulsedEstablishment() and DetermineGlobalSeedNumber(hec).

4. forDeath.doMortality()

Subroutine for Mortality. All mortality processes over all hectars and plots.

5. doLightCompetition()

Subroutine for all light competition processes. Using calcLai, calcLightAttenuation and calcSpaceConditions.

6. growth.calcDailyGpp()

Calculates the unreduced GPP on each day in a a year for each plant.


if (timer.isBeginOfYear() || par.grassmindEnabled) resetOutputForTimestep(); initEnvironmentForTimestep(); forSeed.doEstablishment(); if (par.traitDistributionEnabled) traitModule.disperseTraits(); if (par.lianaModuleEnabled) doLiana(patchGrid, switches.layerThickness, forDeath); forDeath.doMortality(); doLightCompetition(); growth.calcDailyGpp();


Whatever the time increment is, the water logic is run on a daily basis. The runIntermediateProcesses() function is overloaded: In the Step() it is called without argument which means it is looped over every single day with the argument dayIndex which just calls growth.calcDailyWaterForAllPatches(dayIndex). This does the water availability calculation everywhere.


1. growth.doGrowth()

Temperature, water availability etc. reduces GPP, then growth is performed. Loop over all patches and trees which grows each tree according to the calculated GPP.

2. growth.doGrowthProcessesAccounting()

Loop over all patches and trees which keeps track of different characteristic values (e.g., GPP, biomass, biomass lost due to stress) on a patch level.

3. calcAndWriteOutput(0)

Writes outputs.

4. timer.next()

Sets the clock by a timestep.


if (environment.isAdvancedClimateActivated()) { reduceDailyGpp(); } if (par.spatiallyExplicitZoneOfInfluenceEnabled) { calculateCellVector(); } growth.doGrowth(); growth.doGrowthProcessesAccounting(); if (par.fireModuleEnabled) { if (timer.isCurrentTimeEqual(par.fireStartYear)) doFire(); if (timer.isCurrentTimeBiggerThan(par.fireStartYear)) { if (par.fireMode == 0 || par.fireMode == 1) doFire(); } } if (par.radiativeTransferModelEnabled) { // timer->getTime()==timer->End runRtm(); calcRtmOutput(); } if (par.variableIrradianceEnabled || par.temperatureEffectEnabled || par.vegetationPeriodEnabled || par.variableDayLengthEnabled || (par.co2EffectEnabled > 0)) { if (resultFileSwitch.env) resultWriter.WriteEnvironmentOutput(); } if (par.soilWaterLimitationEnabled) { resultWriter.WriteWaterOutput(); if (timer.getStepSize() == 1.0 && resultFileSwitch.water_daily) { resultWriter.WriteWaterDailyOutput(); } } if (par.landslideModuleEnabled) { doSingleGlobalLandslide(50); } if (logging.DoIt) logging.doLogging(); if (logging.Thinning) doThinning(); if constexpr (isGrass<PlantWithTraitsType>) { logging.isMowedrightnow = false; logging.mowHeight = 100; applyMowingRegime(this); if (par.centuryGrassSoilModelEnabled || par.daycentGrassSoilModelEnabled) { if (par.externalLandtransSoilModel == 1) { calculateLitterInputForBodium(); } else if (!par.externalLandtransSoilModel || par.externalLandtransSoilModel == 3) { calculateCarbonFluxCentury(); } } } else { calcCarbonFlux(); } calcAndWriteOutput(0); timer.next(); if (!par.preInitializationEnabled) { if (logging.Done > 0.0) logging.Done += timer.getStepSize(); } par.preInitializationEnabled = false;


ODMOrganic dry matter
CO2Carbon dioxide
sinSinus function
cosCosinus function
⌊⌋Round down
eExponential function
lnLogarithm function
e.g.exempli gratia (for example)
i.e.id est (that is)


[botta2000] - Botta, A. and Viovy, N. and Ciais, P. and Friedlingstein, P. and Monfray, P. - A global prognostic scheme of leaf onset using satellite data. - 2000. -



[dislich2009] - Dislich, C. and Günter, S. and Homeier, J. and Schröder, B. and Huth, A. - Simulating forest dynamics of a tropical montane forest in south ecuador. - 2009. -



[dislich2012] - Dislich, Claudia and Huth, Andreas - Modelling the impact of shallow landslides on forest structure in tropical montane forests. - 2012. -


Shallow landslides are an important type of natural ecosystem disturbance in tropical montane forests. Due to landslides, vegetation and often also the upper soil layer are removed, and space for primary succession under altered environmental conditions is created. Little is known about how these altered conditions affect important aspects of forest recovery such as the establishment of new tree biomass and species composition. To address these questions we utilize a process-based forest simulation model and develop potential forest regrowth scenarios. We investigate how changes in different trees species characteristics influence forest recovery on landslide sites. The applied regrowth scenarios are: undisturbed regrowth (all tree species characteristics remain like in the undisturbed forest), reduced tree growth (induced by nutrient limitation), reduced tree establishment (due to thicket-forming vegetation and dispersal limitation) and increased tree mortality (due to post-landslide erosion and increased susceptibility). We then apply these scenarios to an evergreen tropical montane forest in southern Ecuador where landslides constitute a major source of natural disturbance. Our most important findings are

[Fischer2016] - Fischer, Rico and Bohn, Friedrich and de Paula, Mateus Dantas and Dislich, Claudia and Groeneveld, Juergen and Gutierrez, Alvaro G and Kazmierczak, Martin and Knapp, Nikolai and Lehmann, Sebastian and Paulick, Sebastian and others - Lessons learned from applying a forest gap model to understand ecosystem and carbon dynamics of complex tropical forests. - 2016. -



[Fischer2010] - Fischer, Rico - Modellierung des Wachstums von Regenwäldern. Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Trockenstress und Holznutzung auf den tropischen Regenwald am Beispiel des RNI Betampona (Madagaskar).. - 2010. -



[fischer2021Fire] - Fischer, Rico - The long-term consequences of forest fires on the carbon fluxes of a tropical forest in Africa. - 2021. -



[gardner1999] - Gardner, Robert H and Romme, William H and Turner, Monica G - Predicting forest fire effects at landscape scales. - 1999. -



[granier1999] - Granier, A. and Bréda, N. and Biron, P. and Villette, S. - A lumped water balance model to evaluate duration and intensity of drought constraints in forest stands. - 1999. -


This paper presents a daily water balance model where the main aim is to quantify drought intensity and duration in forest stands. This model requires daily potential evapotranspiration and rainfall as input climatic data. Required site and stand parameters are only maximum extractable soil water and leaf area index, the latter controlling (i) stand transpiration; (ii) forest floor evapotranspiration; and (iii) rainfall interception. Other informations, like root distribution and soil porosity, can be used if available, improving the simulation of short term soil water recharge. Water stress is assumed to occur when relative extractable soil water (REW) drops below a threshold of 0.4 under which transpiration is gradually reduced due to stomatal closure. The model was calibrated using sap flow measurements of stand transpiration in oak and spruce stands during several successive dehydration–rehydration cycles. Validation of the model was performed by comparing predicted soil water content to weekly neutron probe measurements in various forest stands and climatic conditions. The model simulated accurately the dynamics of soil water depletion and recharge, and predicted the main components of forest water balance. Day-to-day estimates of soil water content during the growing season allows to quantify duration and intensity of drought events, and to compute stress indexes. A dendroecological application is presented: a retrospective analysis of the effects of drought on radial tree growth, based on long term climatic time series, is shown. Some limitations and potential applications of the model are discussed.

[green1989] - Green, D. G. - Simulated Effects of Fire, Dispersal and Spatial Pattern On Competition Within Forest Mosaics. - 1989. -


Simulations representing tree locations on a rectangular grid (cellular automaton) imply that spatial
patterns associated with f&#x27;we, seed dispersal, and the distributions of plants and resources affect forest dynamics profoundly. Simulated fires ignited at random locations in a uniform environment create non-uniform habitats and lead to patches dominated by different vegetation types. Short-range seed dispersal promotes vegetation clumping; fires cause these clumps to coalesce into vegetation zones separated by sharp borders, especially across an environmental gradient. In simulation of competition within vegetation mosaics, tree populations with a competitive advantage still require the intervention of fire to eliminate rivals. Also, the availability of local seed sources enables established tree populations to exclude invaders, but fires can trigger sudden changes in the composition of such systems. In models of simple succession systems, &#x27;climax&#x27; vegetation tends to displace &#x27;pioneer&#x27; vegetation, even under harsh fire regimes.</div>

[gutierrez2012] - Gutiérrez, Alvaro G. and Huth, Andreas - Successional stages of primary temperate rainforests of Chiloé Island, Chile. - 2012. -


Understanding forest succession is required when designing management strategies, analyzing forest functioning, and forecasting the effects of changes in disturbance regime of forests. However, assigning a certain successional stage to forests in nature is challenging, especially when long-lived tree species dominate succession. Temperate rainforests commonly harbor emergent pioneer trees with long lifespans (&gt;500 years) and may persist even when forest have reached stability in tree species composition (compositional equilibrium) and stability in structure (e.g. biomass). Thus, it is difficult to locate stands along a successional trajectory. Here, we propose a method for identifying the successional stages of forests using a dynamic forest model that estimate the time taken for a forest to reach the late successional stage, i.e. when forests have reached stability. Using this method, we examined the successional stages of 13 old, unmanaged stands of temperate rainforests located on Chiloé Island (Chile, 42S). We parameterized the model for 17 tree species using field data and a comprehensive literature search. The model predicted varied successional pathways for reproducing the observed structural variability of studied forests stands. Model results suggest that forests in this region can take 490–850 years to reach the late successional stage. We found 6 out of the 13 studied forests represent a transient successional stage. Forest stands in the late successional stage commonly contained pioneer species with basal area &lt;20&#xa0;m2/ha. According to our simulations, pioneers can persist until the late successional stage because of their long lifespans and the occurrence of small canopy openings (&lt;1.6&#xa0;ha) produced by windstorms. Above-ground biomass in the studied forests (estimated at 539&#xa0;t/ha, average among stands) tended to decrease as forests approach the late successional stage because large pioneers are replaced by smaller late-successional trees. These results can assist in the classification of natural forest according to their successional stages as well as in developing management and conservation strategies of primary forests in this region.

[haxeltine1996] - Haxeltine, A. and Prentice, C. I. - A general model for the light-use efficiency of primary production. - 1996. -


1. Net primary production (NPP) by terrestrial ecosystems appears to be proportional to absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR) on a seasonal and annual basis. This observation has been used in 'diagnostic' models that estimate NPP from remotely sensed vegetation indices. In 'prognostic' process-based models carbon fluxes are more commonly integrated with respect to leaf area index assuming invari- ant leaf photosynthetic parameters. This approach does not lead to a proportional relationship between NPP and APAR. However, leaf nitrogen content and Rubisco activity are known to vary seasonally and with canopy position, and there is evidence that this variation takes place in such a way as to nearly optimize total canopy net photosynthesis. 2. Using standard formulations for the instantaneous response of leaf net photosynthe- sis to APAR, we show that the optimized canopy net photosynthesis is proportional to APAR. This theory leads to reasonable values for the maximum (unstressed) light-use efficiency of gross and net primary production of C3 plants at current ambient C02, comparable with empirical estimates for agricultural crops and forest plantations. 3. By relating the standard formulations to the Collatz-Farquhar model of photosyn- thesis, we show that a range of observed physiological responses to temperature and CO2 can be understood as consequences of the optimization. These responses include the CO2 fertilization response and stomatal closure in C3 plants, the increase of leaf N concentration with decreasing growing season temperature, and the downward accli- mation of leaf respiration and N content with increasing ambient CO2. The theory pro- vides a way to integrate diverse experimental observations into a general framework for modelling terrestrial primary production.

[huth2005] - Huth, Andreas and Drechsler, Martin and K{\o}hler, Peter - Using multicriteria decision analysis and a forest growth model to assess impacts of tree harvesting in Dipterocarp lowland rain forests. - 2005. -



[keane2004] - Keane, R. E. and Cary, G. J. and Davies, I. D. and Flannigan, M. D. and Gardner, R. H. and Lavorel, S. and Lenihan, J. M. and Li, C. and Rupp, T. S. - A classification of landscape fire succession models: spatial simulations of fire and vegetation dynamics. - 2004. -


A classification of spatial simulation models of fire and vegetation dynamics (landscape fire succession models or LFSMs) is presented. The classification was developed to provide a foundation for comparing models and to help identify the appropriate fire and vegetation processes and their simulation to include in coarse scale dynamic global vegetation models. Other uses include a decision tool for research and management applications and a vehicle to interpret differences between LFSMs. The classification is based on the four primary processes that influence fire and vegetation dynamics: fire ignition, fire spread, fire effects, and vegetation succession. Forty-four LFSMs that explicitly simulated the four processes were rated by the authors and the modelers on a scale from 0 to 10 for their inherent degree of stochasticity, complexity, and mechanism for each of the four processes. These ratings were then used to group LFSMs into similar classes using common ordination and clustering techniques. Another database was created to describe each LFSM using selected keywords for over 20 explanatory categories. This database and the ordination and clustering results were then used to create the final LFSM classification that contains 12 classes and a corresponding key. The database and analysis results were used to construct a second classification key so managers can pick the most appropriate model for their application based on computer resources, available modeling expertise, and management objective. Published by Elsevier B.V.

[knapp2018] - Knapp, Nikolai and Fischer, Rico and Huth, Andreas - Linking lidar and forest modeling to assess biomass estimation across scales and disturbance states. - 2018. -



[kumagai2004] - Kumagai, Tomo`omi and Katul, Gabriel G. and Saitoh, Taku M. and Sato, Yoshinobu and Manfroi, Odair J. and Morooka, Toshiyuki and Ichie, Tomoaki and Kuraji, Koichiro and Suzuki, Masakazu and Porporato, Amilcare - Water cycling in a Bornean tropical rain forest under current and projected precipitation scenarios. - 2004. -


Southeastern Asian tropical rain forests are among the most important biomes in terms of annual productivity and water cycling. How their hydrologic budgets are altered by projected shifts in precipitation is examined using a combination of field measurements, global climate model (GCM) simulation output, and a simplified hydrologic model. The simplified hydrologic model is developed with its primary forcing term being rainfall statistics. A main novelty in this analysis is that the effects of increased (or decreased) precipitation on increased (or decreased) cloud cover and hence evapotranspiration is explicitly considered. The model is validated against field measurements conducted in a tropical rain forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. It is demonstrated that the model reproduces the probability density function of soil moisture content (s), transpiration (T

[lambers2008] - Lambers, H. and Chapin III, F.S. and Pons, T.L. - Plant physiological ecology. - 2008. -



[Larcher2001] - Larcher, W. - Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen. Leben, Leistung und Stressbewältigung der Pflanzen in ihrer Umwelt. - 2001. -



[liang1994] - Liang, X. and Lettennmaier, D.P. and Wood, E.F. and Burges, S. J. - A simple hydrologically based model of land surface water and energy fluxes for general circulation models. - 1994. -



[pfeiffer2013] - Pfeiffer, M. and Spessa, A. and Kaplan, J. O. - A model for global biomass burning in preindustrial time: LPJ-LMfire (v1.0). - 2013. -



[prentice1993] - Prentice, C. I. and Sykes, M. T. and Cramer, W. - A simulation model for the transient effects of climate change on forest landscapes. - 1993. -


Forests are likely to show complex transient responses to rapid changes in climate. The model described here simulates the dynamics of forest landscapes in a changing environment with simple phenomenological equations for tree growth processes and local environmental feedbacks. Tree establishment and growth rates are modified by species-specific functions describing the effects of winter and summer temperature limitations, accumulated annual foliage net assimilation and sapwood respiration as functions of temperature, CO2 fertilization, and growing-season drought. These functions provide external conditions for the simulation of patch-scale forest dynamics by a forest succession model, FORSKA, in which all of the trees on each 0.1 ha patch interact by competition for light and nutrients. The landscape is simulated as an array of such patches. The probability of disturbance on a patch is a power function of time since disturbance. Forest structure, composition and biomass simulated for the landscape average in boreal and temperate deciduous forests approach reasonable equilibrium values in 200-400 years. A climatic warning scenario is applied to central Sweden, where temperature and precipitation increases are shown to interact with each other and with soil water capacity in determining the transient and equilibrium responses of the forest landscape to climate change.

[sato2007] - Sato, Hisashi and Itoh, Akihiko and Kohyama, Takashi - SEIB-DGVM: A new Dynamic Global Vegetation Model using a spatially explicit individual-based approach. - 2007. -


We report the development of a new spatially explicit individual-based Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (SEIB–DGVM), the first DGVM that can simulate the local interactions among individual trees within a spatially explicit virtual forest. In the model, a sample plot is placed at each grid box, and then the growth, competition, and decay of each individual tree within each plot is calculated by considering the environmental conditions for that tree as it relates to the trees that surround it. Based on these parameters only, the model simulated time lags between climate change and vegetation change. This time lags elongated when original biome was forest, because existing trees prevent newly establish trees from receiving enough sunlight and space to quickly replace the original vegetation. This time lags also elongated when horizontal heterogeneity of sunlight distribution was ignored, indicating the potential importance of horizontal heterogeneity for predicting transitional behavior of vegetation under changing climate. On a local scale, the model reproduced climate zone-specific patterns of succession, carbon dynamics, and water flux, although on a global scale, simulations were not always in agreement with observations. Because the SEIB–DGVM was formulated to the scale at which field biologists work, the measurements of relevant parameters and data comparisons are relatively straightforward, and the model should enable more robust modeling of terrestrial ecosystems.

[thonicke2001] - Thonicke, Kirsten and Venevsky, Sergey and Sitch, Stephen and Cramer, Wolfgang - The role of fire disturbance for global vegetation dynamics: coupling fire into a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model. - 2001. -


* 1Disturbances from fire, wind-throw, insects and other herbivores are, besides climate, CO2, and soils, critical factors for composition, structure and dynamics of most vegetation. To simulate the influence of fire on the dynamic equilibrium, as well as on potential change, of vegetation at the global scale, we have developed a fire model, running inside the modular framework of the Lund–Potsdam–Jena Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (LPJ-DGVM). * 2Estimated litter moisture is the main driver of day-to-day fire probability. The length of the fire season is used to estimate the fractional area of a grid cell which is burnt in a given year. This affected area is converted into an average fire return interval which can be compared to observations. * 3When driven by observed climate for the 20th century (at a 0.5 longitude/latitude resolution), the model yielded fire return intervals in good agreement with observations for many regions (except parts of semiarid Africa and boreal Siberia). We suggest that further improvement for these regions must involve additional process descriptions such as permafrost and fuel/fire dynamics.

[thornley1990] - Thornley, J. H. M. and Johnson, I. R - Plant and crop modelling: a mathematical approach to plant and crop physiology.. - 1990. -



[wilcke2003] - Wilcke, Wolfgang and Valladarez, Hector and Stoyan, Ronald and Yasin, Syafrimen and Valarezo, Carlos and Zech, Wolfgang - Soil properties on a chronosequence of landslides in montane rain forest, Ecuador. - 2003. -
