Input parameters and variables

The following parameters are not properly named and will be renamed

Old nameNew name

Table 7: General input parameters of the simulation.

SymbolDescriptionUnitSource code variable
$A_{\text{area}} $side length of simulated area$\text{m} $switches.sideLengthOfSimulationArea
$A_{\text{patch}} $patch area$\text{m}^{2}$
$n_{\text{patches}}$number of patches per simulation area$- $
$t_{y} $length of simulation$\text{yr} $timeEnd
$Δt $time step$\text{yr} $timeStep
number of species groups (PFTs)$- $par.pftCount

Table 8: Geometric input parameters.

SymbolDescriptionUnitSource code variable
mathematical form of the allometric relationships$- $par.allometricRelationships
$h_{0}, h_{1}, h_{2} $coefficients of height-stem diameter relationship$- $par.heightFromDbhParams
$c_{l0}, c_{l1}, c_{l2} $coefficients of crown-length-height relationship$- $par.crownLengthFactorFromHeightParams
$c_{d0}, c_{d1}, c_{d2}, c_{d3}$coefficients of crown-diameter-stem-diameter relationship$- $par.crownDiameterFromDbhParams
$ρ $wood density$\frac{\text{t}_{\text{ODM}}}{\text{m}^3}$par.woodDensities
$σ $ratio of total aboveground biomass to stem biomass$- $par.stemBiomassFractionParams
$f $form factor$- $
$f_{0}, f_{1}, f_{2} $coefficients of form-factor-stem-diameter relationship$- $par.formFactorFromDbhParams
$b_{0}, b_{1}, b_{2} $coefficients of biomass-stem-diameter relationship$- $par.biomassFromDbhParams
$l_{0}, l_{1} $LAI-stem-diameter relationship$- $par.laiFromDbhParams
$D_{\text{max}} $maximal stem diameter$\text{m} $par.maxPlantSizes
$H_{\text{max}} $maximal height$\text{m} $par.maxPlantSizes
$B_{\text{max}} $maximal aboveground biomass$\text{t}_{\text{ODM}} $

Table 9: Recruitment and establishment input parameter.

SymbolDescriptionUnitSource code variable
$N_{\text{seed}} $global in-growth rate of seeds$\frac{1}{\text{ha yr}} $par.externalSeedInfluxPerHectare
$N_{\text{init}} $initial seed number in seed pool$\frac{1}{\text{patch}} $
$D_{\text{rep}} $minimum stem diameter of a seed producing mother tree$\text{m} $par.minSeedProductionDbhs
$f_{\text{disp}} $dispersal kernel$- $par.dispersalKernelFunctions
$dist_{\text{mean}} $average dispersal distance$\text{m} $par.seedDispersalAverageDistance
$dist_{\text{max}} $maximum dispersal distance$\text{m} $par.seedDispersalMaxDistance
$σ $ratio of total aboveground biomass to stem biomass$- $
$I_{\text{seed}} $percentage of incoming radiation at floor required for germination$\% $par.minEstablishmentIrradianceFraction
$M_{\text{pool}} $mortality rate of seeds in the seed pool$\frac{1}{\text{yr}} $par.seedPoolMortalityRates
$max_{\text{dens}} $maximal number of germinating seedlings$\frac{1}{\text{patch}} $par.maxSeedlingsPerPatch
$D_{\text{min}} $initial stem diameter of a germinated seedling$\text{m} $par.seedlingDbh

Table 10: Mortality input parameters.

SymbolDescriptionUnitSource code variable
mathematical form of death rate computationpar.mortalityFunction
$M_{B} $base / background mortality rate$\frac{1}{\text{yr}}$par.backgroundMortalityParams
$m_{d0}, m_{d1} $mortality rate dependent on stem diameter$- $par.mortalityFromDbhParams
$m_{i0}, m_{i1}, m_{i2}$mortality rate dependent on stem diameter increment$- $par.mortalityFromDbhIncrementParams
$f_{\text{fall}} $probability for a dead tree to fall$- $par.treeFallProbability

Table 11: Light climate and photosynthesis input parameters and variables.

$Δh $width of layers of aboveground vertical space discretization in a patch$\text{m} $
$n_{\text{layer}}$number of layer of aboveground vertical space discretization$- $
$I_{0} $incoming irradiance on top of canopy$\frac{\mu\text{mol}_{\text{photon}}}{\text{m}^2 s}$
$k $light extinction coefficient$- $
$α $initial slope of light response curve$\frac{\mu\text{mol}_{\text{CO}_2}}{\mu\text{mol}_\text{photon}} $
$p_{\text{max}} $maximal leaf gross photosynthetic rate$\frac{\mu\text{mol}_{\text{CO}_2}}{\text{m}^2 \text{s}} $
$m $transmission coefficient$- $
$l_{\text{day}} $day length$\text{h} $
$φ_{\text{ODM}} $conversion factor$\frac{\text{t}_\text{ODM}}{\mu \text{mol}_{\text{CO}_2}} $

Table 12: Water module input parameter and variables.

$PR $precipitation$\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}} $
$K_{L} $interception constant$\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}} $
$POR $soil porosity$\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}} $
$K_{s} $fully saturated conductivity$\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}} $
$Θ_{\text{res}} $residual soil water content$\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}} $
$λ $pore size distribution index$- $
$WUE $water-use-efficiency$\frac{t_{\text{ODM}}}{{\text{kg}_{\text{H}_2\text{O}}}}$
$PET $potential evapotranspiration$\frac{\text{mm}}{\text{h}} $
$Θ_{soil}^{init}$initial soil water content at start of simulation$V\%$
$Θ_{pwp} $permanent wilting point$V\%$
$Θ_{fc} $field capacity$V\%$
$Θ_{msw} $minimum soil water content$V\%$

Table 13: Temperature input parameter and variables.

$T $air temperature$^{∘}\text{C}$
$n $number of days per time step $\Delta t$$- $
$T_{\text{crit}} $critical temperature for bud-burst$^{∘}\text{C}$
$k_{0}, k_{1}, k_{2} $parameter of inhibition factors$- $
$T_{\text{CO}_2, l}, T_{\text{CO}_2, h}$temperature limits of $\text{CO}_2$ assimilation$^{∘}\text{C}$
$T_{\text{hot}}, T_{\text{cold}}$monthly mean temperature of warmest and coldest month an individual can cope with$^{∘}\text{C}$
$T_{\text{ref}} $reference temperature$^{∘}\text{C}$
$Q_{10} $base of Q$_{10}$ function$- $

Table 14: Respiration input parameter and variables.

$R_{g} $growth respiration factor$- $
$g(D) $maximal stem diameter increment (growth) function$- $
$a_{0}, a_{1}, a_{2}, a_{3}$coefficients of the growth function $g(D)$$- $
$x_{i}, i = 1, ..., 8 $auxillary variables$- $
$ΔD_{\text{max}} $maximal measured stem diameter increment$\frac{\text{m}}{\text{yr}} $
$D_{ΔD_{\text{max}}} $stem diameter at which maximal increment is measuredprop. of $D_{\text{max}} $
$ΔD_{D_{\text{max}}} $max. measured stem diameter increment for diameter $D_\text{min}$prop. of $ΔD_{\text{max}} $
$ΔD_{D_{\text{max}}} $max. measured stem diameter increment for diameter $D_\text{max}$prop. of $ΔD_{\text{max}} $
$\check{I}_{\text{ind}} $reference irradiance of parameterization climate$\frac{\mu \text{mol}_{\text{photon}}}{\text{m}^2 \text{s}}$
$\check{\varphi}_{\text{act}}$reference vegetation period of parameterization climate$\text{d} $
$\check{\varphi}_T $reference temperature limitation factor of photosynthesis of parameterization climate$- $

Table 15: Lidar input parameter and variables.

$P_{0,\text{Lid}, \text{V}}$surface return probability for vegetation voxels$-$
$k_{\text{Lid}, \text{V}} $Lidar extinction coefficient for vegetation voxels$-$
$P_{0,\text{Lid}, \text{G}}$surface return probability for ground voxels$-$
$k_{\text{Lid}, \text{G}} $Lidar extinction coefficient for ground voxels$-$
$s_{\text{Lid}} $spacing between Lidar pulses$\text{m} $
$t_{\text{Lid}} $time interval between Lidar scans$\text{yr}$